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AIPLA Quarterly Journal
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Alternatives to the High Cost ...
American Journal of Internatio...
Arbitration International
Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual ...
Berne Convention
BIRPI/WIPO Historical Journal ...
Brussels Convention
Budapest Treaty
Cambridge International Law Jo...
Copyright Journal/Le Droit d'A...
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Economic Research Working Pape...
Economics Working Papers Datas...
European Intellectual Property...
External Online Journals
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Global Innovation Index
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Global Privacy Law Review
Global Protection System
Green Technology Book
Hague Agreement
Hague Yearly Review
Hague Yearly Review Datasets
History of Berne Convention
History of Paris Convention
History of WIPO
IDEA: The Law Review of the Fr...
Individual Authors
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Industrial Property/La Proprié...
Industrial Property and Copyri...
Innovation and IP Research Gui...
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Intellectual Property for Busi...
Intellectual Property Magazine
Intellectual Property Quarterl...
International Review of Intell...
IP Protection
Journal of Intellectual Proper...
Journal of World Intellectual ...
Lisbon Agreement
Locarno Agreement
Madrid Agreement (Indications ...
Madrid Agreement (Marks)
Madrid Protocol
Madrid Yearly Review
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Marrakesh VIP Treaty
Nairobi Treaty
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Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT...
Patent Landscape Reports
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Phonograms Convention
Queen Mary Journal of Intellec...
Review of Intellectual Propert...
Rome Convention
Singapore Treaty on the Law of...
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Strasbourg Agreement
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The Global Publishing Industry...
The John Marshall Review of In...
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UPOV Test Guidelines
UPOV TGP documents
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World Intellectual Property In...
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Journal article (21751)
Book (14125)
Journal (4504)
Document (2561)
Guidelines (1000)
Book chapter (240)
Book summary (218)
Working paper (87)
Dataset (66)
Webpage (6)
Journal Article (5)
Video (1)
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World Intellectual Property Organization (4576)
Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle (3186)
Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (943)
Bureau International de l'Union pour la Protection de la Propriété Industrielle (918)
International Union For The Protection Of New Varieties Of Plants (797)
Bureau De L'union Internationale Pour La Protection Des Oeuvres Littéraires Et Artistiques (557)
Birpi (488)
Bureau International De L'union Pour La Protection Des Oeuvres Littéraires Et Artistiques (427)
United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (372)
المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية (285)
International Bureau for the Protection of Industrial Property (254)
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (221)
Associação Brasileira da Propriedade Intelectual (175)
世界知识产权组织 (144)
Всемирная Организация Интеллектуальной Собственности (134)
Revue Mensuelle Des Bureaux Internationaux Réunis Pour La Protection De La Propriété Intellectuelle (BIRPI) (128)
United International Bureaux for the Protection of Industrial Property (119)
Jewell, Catherine (113)
Gurry, Francis (106)
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) (106)
Bureau de l'Union Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Industrielle (105)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (104)
Beier, Friedrich-karl (100)
Wunsch-Vincent, Sacha (100)
United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI) (94)
Bureaux Internationaux Réunis Pour La Protection De La Propriété Intellectuelle (BIRPI) (92)
International Organization For Standardization (ISO) (92)
Lanvin, Bruno (91)
Dutta, Soumitra (90)
Dietz, Adolf (87)
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (87)
Chambre De Commerce Internationale (84)
Straus, Joseph (77)
Schricker, Gerhard (74)
United States (71)
United Nations (68)
Canada (66)
Carl Heymanns Verlag (65)
Ulmer, Eugen (65)
Wodecki, Ben (65)
Doi, Teruo (60)
European Patent Office (60)
Intellectual Property Institute (60)
William S. Hein & Company (56)
Fabiani, Mario (52)
Nurton, James (52)
Bogsch, Arpad (51)
Ginsburg, Jane C (51)
Schulze, Erich (51)
Kerever, Andre (50)
Kur, Annette (46)
Correa, Carlos Maria (45)
International Organization For Standardization/international Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) (45)
Rosati, Eleonora (44)
Cohen Jehoram, Herman (43)
Dittrich, Robert (43)
Lexisnexis (FIRM) (43)
Dessemontet, François (42)
Nordemann, Wilhelm (41)
Heath, Christopher (40)
Blakeney, Michael (39)
International Federation Of Library Associations And Institutions (39)
León, Lorena Rivera (39)
Patent And Trademark Office Society (u.s.) (39)
Patent And Trademark Office Society (USA) (39)
Patent Office Society (Estats Units D'amèrica) (39)
Phillips, Jeremy (38)
West Group (38)
Bureaux Internationaux réunis pour la Protection de la Proprieté Intellectuelle (37)
Conte, Alessandro (37)
Cornell University (37)
Karnell, Gunnar (37)
Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development (37)
Great Britain (36)
International Chamber Of Commerce (36)
Katzenberger, Paul (36)
Lloyd, Richard (36)
Rivera León, Lorena (36)
Vivant, Michel (36)
Cornish, William R (35)
Little, Trevor (35)
Union Internationale Pour La Protection Des Obtentions Vegetales (35)
Council Of Europe (34)
Ladas, Stephen P (34)
Max-Planck-institut Für Ausländisches Und Internationales Patent-, Urheber- Und Wettbewerbsrecht (34)
Aracama Zorraquin, Ernesto (33)
Bureaux internationaux réunis pour la protection de la propriété intellectuelle (33)
International Council For Commercial Arbitration (33)
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (33)
Routledge (33)
Tilmann, Winfried (33)
Llewelyn, David (32)
Troller, Alois (32)
Australian Copyright Council (31)
Park, Kathryn (31)
Plaisant, Robert (31)
Rehbinder, Manfred (31)
Suisse (31)
Bardehle, Heinz (30)
Cabanellas, Guillermo (30)
Cottier, Thomas (30)
Masouye, Claude (30)
Commission Of The European Communities (29)
Dillenz, Walter (29)
Ebrary, Inc (29)
Finnegan, Marcus B (29)
Germany (29)
Gotzen, Frank (29)
Union Internationale pour la Protection des Obtentions Végétales (UPOV) (29)
World Trade Organization (29)
Dreier, Thomas (28)
European Audiovisual Observatory (28)
European Communities (28)
Haertel, Kurt (28)
Krieger, Albrecht (28)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (28)
世界知的所有権機関 (28)
Bonadio, Enrico (27)
Corbet, Jan (27)
France (27)
Jewell, Catherine (27)
Pagenberg, Jochen (27)
Singer, Romuald (27)
Ullrich, Hanns (27)
Beier, Friedrich-Karl (26)
Boytha, Gyoergy (26)
Geiger, Christophe (26)
Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual (26)
Tessensohn, John A (26)
de Werra, Jacques (25)
Deutschland (25)
Deutschland (BUNDESREPUBLIK) (25)
Martin, Stefan (25)
Union internationale pour la protection de la propriété industrielle (25)
Weltorganisation für Geistiges Eigentum (25)
White, Catherine (25)
Chaves, Antonio (24)
Desbois, Henri (24)
Lewinski, Silke Von (24)
Stauder, Dieter (24)
United Nations Development Programme (24)
Association Internationale Pour La Protection De La Propriete Industrielle (23)
Koumantos, Georges (23)
Marcellin, Yves (23)
Nations Unies (23)
Omondi, Paul (23)
Schneider, Marius (23)
Straschnov, Georges (23)
Drahos, Peter (22)
Fernand-Jacq (22)
Gall, Guenter (22)
Gendreau, Ysolde (22)
Hubmann, Heinrich (22)
Loewenheim, Ulrich (22)
Walter, Michel M (22)
American Bar Association (21)
Insead (21)
Knaak, Roland (21)
Kongolo, Tshimanga (21)
Krasser, Rudolf (21)
Kunz-hallstein, Hans Peter (21)
Lehmann, Michael (21)
Lemley, Mark A (21)
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft (21)
Rangel-ortiz, Horacio (21)
Uchtenhagen, Ulrich (21)
Wegner, Harold C (21)
World Health Organization (21)
Yu, Peter K (21)
Association Française pour la Diffusion du Droit d'auteur National et International (20)
Bently, Lionel (20)
Bodenhausen, G. H. C (20)
Correa, Carlos M (20)
Galtieri, Gino (20)
Ghidini, Gustavo (20)
Guttman, David S (20)
Hilty, Reto M (20)
Organization Of American States (20)
Reimer, Dietrich (20)
van den Berg, Albert Jan (20)
Arnold, Richard (19)
Burshtein, Sheldon (19)
European Commission (19)
Fédération Internationale Des Associations De Bibliothécaires Et Des Bibliothèques (19)
Gamm, Otto Friedrich Freiherr Von (19)
Gaul, Dieter (19)
Haeusser, Erich (19)
International Trademark Association (19)
Kolle, Gert (19)
Max-Planck-institut Für Ausländisches Und Internationales Patent-, Urheber- Und Wettbewerbsrecht (münchen) (19)
Naciones Unidas (19)
Strath, Janet (19)
Strowel, Alain (19)
Verlag C.h. Beck (19)
Abbott, Frederick M (18)
Armitage, Edward (18)
Bruchhausen, Karl (18)
Drexl, Josef (18)
Fink, Carsten (18)
Flechsig, Norbert P (18)
Goldstein, Paul (18)
Indecopi (18)
Intellectual And Industrial Property Society (AUSTRALIA) (18)
Intellectual And Industrial Property Society (vic.) (18)
Intellectual Property Society Of Australia And New Zealand (18)
Mousseron, Jean-marc (18)
Organisation Internationale De Normalisation (ISO) (18)
Organización De Cooperación Y. Desarrollo Económico (18)
Pakuscher, Ernst Karl (18)
Practising Law Institute (18)
Ricketson, Sam (18)
Rosén, Jan (18)
Safari Tech Books Online (18)
Ubertazzi, Luigi Carlo (18)
Vida, Alexander (18)
Walterscheid, Edward C (18)
Yu, P. K (18)
Anand, Pravin (17)
Antequera Parilli, Ricardo (17)
Braendli, Paul (17)
Catherine White (17)
European Patent Office (EPO) (17)
Ficsor, Mihaly (17)
Geller, Paul Edward (17)
Gervais, Daniel J (17)
Ginguay, Michel (17)
Hansen, Bernd (17)
Institut de Recherche en Propriété Intellectuelle (17)
Ligue Internationale Contre La Concurrence Deloyale (17)
Oppenheim, Charles (17)
Organisation Des Nations Unies (ONU) (17)
Rie, Robert (17)
Torremans, Paul (17)
Tripp, Karen B (17)
Université De LaUSAnne (17)
Zheng, Chengsi (17)
American Intellectual Property Law Association (16)
Benthem, J. B. Van (16)
Calboli, Irene (16)
Casado Cervino, Alberto (16)
Chartered Institute Of Patent Agents (16)
Collova, Taddeo (16)
De Sanctis, Valerio (16)
Derclaye, Estelle (16)
Desjeux, Xavier (16)
Geiger, C (16)
Henning-bodewig, Frauke (16)
Humsi, Natalie (16)
Ifla (16)
Larese, Wolfgang (16)
Maskus, Keith (16)
Mathely, Paul (16)
Olsson, Henry (16)
Pedrazzini, Mario M (16)
Plasseraud, Yves (16)
Ruijsenaars, Heijo Enrico (16)
Rumphorst, Werner (16)
Saez, Catherine (16)
Stroemholm, Stig (16)
Thirlway, Cecelia (16)
Wadlow, Christopher (16)
BNA International (15)
Campbell, Dennis (15)
Communautés Européennes (15)
Conseil De L'europe (15)
David, Lucas (15)
Davies, Gillian (15)
Ferderer, Rebecca (15)
Gavrilov, E. P (15)
Houldsworth, Adam (15)
International Labour Office (15)
Jütte, Bernd Justin (15)
Knap, Karel (15)
Levin, Marianne (15)
Lewinsky, Dietrich (15)
Merges, Robert P (15)
Mezei, Péter (15)
Mostert, Frederick (15)
Ohly, Ansgar (15)
Oman, Ralph (15)
Pedrosa, Monica Miglio (15)
Radojkovic, Zivan (15)
Raffo, Julio (15)
Smith, Joel (15)
Union Européenne (15)
Algardi, Zara Olivia (14)
Bercovitz Rodriguez-cano, Alberto (14)
Braun, Antoine (14)
Canadian Electronic Library (FIRM) (14)
Cuntz, Alexander (14)
Derenberg, Walter J (14)
Eminescu, Yolanda (14)
European Union (14)
Federation Internationale Des Ingenieurs-Conseils En Propriete Industrielle (14)
Frankel, Susy (14)
Harris, Edward (14)
Hesse, Hans Gerd (14)
Internationella Handelskammaren (14)
Johnson, Phillip (14)
Kreile, Reinhold (14)
Kronz, Hermann (14)
Kur, A (14)
Litec (14)
Macmillan, F (14)
Oecd (14)
Reichman, J. H (14)
Vaver, David (14)
Villalba, Carlos A (14)
Vossius, Volker (14)
Abell, Mark (13)
Baulch, Libby (13)
Cawthra, Bruce I (13)
Chavanne, Albert (13)
Cherpillod, Ivan (13)
Common Law Institute Of Intellectual Property (13)
Diamond, Sidney A (13)
Dreyfuss, R. C (13)
Drozdov, Igor (13)
España (13)
Europäische Gemeinschaften (13)
Federación Internacional De Asociaciones De Bibliotecarios Y. Bibliotecas (13)
Fikentscher, Wolfgang (13)
Francon, Andre (13)
Gibson, Johanna (13)
Gielen, Charles (13)
Goldscheider, Robert (13)
Hugenholtz, P. Bernt (13)
Jacob, Robin (13)
Kraft, Alfons (13)
Lerner, Josh (13)
Lucas, André (13)
Mccarthy, J. Thomas (13)
Mossinghoff, Gerald J (13)
Olenhusen, Goetz Albrecht Von (13)
Organization For Economic Cooperation And Development (13)
Osterborg, Lise (13)
Parr, Russell L (13)
Pfanner, Klaus (13)
Saint-gal, Yves (13)
Schmidt-szalewski, Joanna (13)
Sordelli, Luigi (13)
Stroebele, Paul (13)
Teplitzky, Otto (13)
Thorne, Robert (13)
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (13)
Walther, Roland (13)
Bereskin, Daniel R (12)
Council Of Europe (COE) (12)
Deutsche Vereinigung Für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz Und Urheberrecht (12)
Dutfield, Graham (12)
Elzaburu, A. De (12)
Emery, Miguel Angel (12)
Fletcher, Anthony L (12)
Guadamuz, Andres (12)
Guglielmetti, Giannantonio (12)
Handl, Josef (12)
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (12)
Internationaler Verband Zum Schutz Von Pflanzenzuechtungen (12)
John Marshall Law School (chicago, Ill.) (12)
Kucsko, Guido (12)
Kwakwa, Edward (12)
Leonelli, Leonello (12)
Martin, Jean Paul (12)
Mezghani, Nabila (12)
Mouchet, Carlos (12)
Nabhan, Victor (12)
Nikoltchev, Susanne (12)
Nimmer, Melville B (12)
Organisation De Coopération Et De Développement économiques (12)
Ostertag, F (12)
Pechmann, Eckehart Frhr Von (12)
Perot-morel, Marie-angele (12)
Pooley, James (12)
Rebello, Luiz Francisco (12)
Rogel Vide, Carlos (12)
Ronga, Giulio (12)
Sack, Rolf (12)
Samson, Benvenuto (12)
Schickedanz, Willi (12)
Schoenherr, Fritz (12)
Solberg, Thorvald (12)
Stern, Richard H (12)
Stern, Scott (12)
Suthersanen, Uma (12)
Viera, John David (12)
Arnold, Tom (11)
Becourt, Daniel (11)
Bentata, Victor (11)
Breimer, Stephen F (11)
Burst, Jean-jacques (11)
Canadà (11)
Center For Computer/Law (11)
Chisum, Donald S (11)
Cornish, W. R (11)
Correa, Carlos María (11)
Crespi, R. Stephen (11)
Dinwoodie, Graeme B (11)
Firth, Alison (11)
Franzosi, Mario (11)
Gaubiac, Yves (11)
Goryunov, Eugene (11)
Idris, Kamil (11)
International Telecommunication Union (11)
Japanese Patent Office (JPO) (11)
John Marshall Law School (chicago, Illinois) (11)
Kamperman Sanders, Anselm (11)
Korah, Valentine (11)
Lackert, Clark W (11)
Ladd, David L (11)
Masouyé, Claude (11)
Moufang, Rainer (11)
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (11)
Rahn, Guntram (11)
Ringer, Barbara (11)
Roffe, Pedro (11)
Senftleben, Martin (11)
Sherman, Brad (11)
Stewart, Stephen M (11)
Tanabe, Tetsu (11)
Taylor & Francis Group (11)
Thrierr, Alain (11)
Wafawarowa, Brian (11)
World Bank (11)
Antons, Christoph (10)
Arnold-Rees, Victoria (10)
Benussi, Franco (10)
Bercovitz, Alberto (10)
Bilon, Jean-Louis (10)
Boguslavskij, M. M (10)
Burley, Stephen (10)
Christie, Andrew (10)
Cook, Trevor M (10)
Correa, C. M (10)
Costner, Thomas E (10)
Eichmann, Helmut (10)
Gervais, Daniel (10)
Griffiths, J (10)
Hartwig, Henning (10)
Herbst, Robert (10)
Karlen, Peter H (10)
Leistner, Matthias (10)
Ligue Internationale Contre La Concurrence Déloyale (10)
Macmillan, Fiona (10)
Magnin, Ch L (10)
Malovic, Nedim (10)
Montagnon, Rachel (10)
Morcom, Christopher (10)
Organisation De Coopération Et De Développement économiques (PARIS) (10)
Québec (PROVINCE) (10)
Radauer, Alfred (10)
Rimmer, Matthew (10)
Sanders, Pieter (10)
Savignon, Francois (10)
Schaefers, Alfons (10)
Schmied-kowarzik, Volker (10)
Stämpfli Verlag (10)
Towse, Ruth (10)
Unión Internacional para la Protección de las Obtenciones Vegetales (UPOV) (10)
University Of Cambridge (10)
Vch-Verlagsgesellschaft (10)
Zentrale Zur Bekämpfung Unlauteren Wettbewerbs (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) (10)
Abada, Salah (9)
American Library Association (9)
Banque Mondiale (9)
Barta, Janusz (9)
Bertrand, Andre R (9)
Bleemer, Russ (9)
Bognar, Martha (9)
Bonet, Georges (9)
Bossung, Otto (9)
Brant, Jennifer (9)
Brown, Peter (9)
Byrne, Noel J (9)
Caron, Christophe (9)
Colby, Richard (9)
Cook, Trevor (9)
Daus, Donald G (9)
Dinwoodie, G. B (9)
Frankel, S (9)
Fryer Iii, William T (9)
Gommers, Carina (9)
Greif, Siegfried (9)
Hayhurst, William L (9)
Henry, Carol (9)
Heydt, Ludwig (9)
Hodik, Kurt H (9)
Iwasaki, Emiko (9)
Jaffe, Adam (9)
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (9)
Joliet, Rene (9)
Kaiser, Franziska (9)
Kaufman, Ian Jay (9)
Keyes, Andrew A (9)
Koktvedgaard, Mogens (9)
Liu, Gushu (9)
Mcfarlane, Gavin (9)
Morris, Angela (9)
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English (11890)
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Chinese (535)
Portuguese (403)
Japanese (189)
Italian (93)
Korean (48)
Dutch; Flemish (42)
Danish (23)
Multiple languages (12)
Polish (11)
Latin (9)
Swiss German; Alemannic; Alsatian (8)
Swedish (5)
Indonesian (4)
Ukrainian (4)
Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan (3)
Finnish (2)
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Dutch, Middle (ca.1050-1350) (1)
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Journal article (21751)
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Journal (4504)
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Book chapter (240)
Book summary (218)
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Dataset (66)
Webpage (6)
Journal Article (5)
Video (1)
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World Intellectual Property Organization (4576)
Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle (3186)
Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (943)
Bureau International de l'Union pour la Protection de la Propriété Industrielle (918)
International Union For The Protection Of New Varieties Of Plants (797)
Bureau De L'union Internationale Pour La Protection Des Oeuvres Littéraires Et Artistiques (557)
Birpi (488)
Bureau International De L'union Pour La Protection Des Oeuvres Littéraires Et Artistiques (427)
United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (372)
المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية (285)
International Bureau for the Protection of Industrial Property (254)
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (221)
Associação Brasileira da Propriedade Intelectual (175)
世界知识产权组织 (144)
Всемирная Организация Интеллектуальной Собственности (134)
Revue Mensuelle Des Bureaux Internationaux Réunis Pour La Protection De La Propriété Intellectuelle (BIRPI) (128)
United International Bureaux for the Protection of Industrial Property (119)
Jewell, Catherine (113)
Gurry, Francis (106)
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) (106)
Bureau de l'Union Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Industrielle (105)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (104)
Beier, Friedrich-karl (100)
Wunsch-Vincent, Sacha (100)
United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI) (94)
Bureaux Internationaux Réunis Pour La Protection De La Propriété Intellectuelle (BIRPI) (92)
International Organization For Standardization (ISO) (92)
Lanvin, Bruno (91)
Dutta, Soumitra (90)
Dietz, Adolf (87)
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (87)
Chambre De Commerce Internationale (84)
Straus, Joseph (77)
Schricker, Gerhard (74)
United States (71)
United Nations (68)
Canada (66)
Carl Heymanns Verlag (65)
Ulmer, Eugen (65)
Wodecki, Ben (65)
Doi, Teruo (60)
European Patent Office (60)
Intellectual Property Institute (60)
William S. Hein & Company (56)
Fabiani, Mario (52)
Nurton, James (52)
Bogsch, Arpad (51)
Ginsburg, Jane C (51)
Schulze, Erich (51)
Kerever, Andre (50)
Kur, Annette (46)
Correa, Carlos Maria (45)
International Organization For Standardization/international Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) (45)
Rosati, Eleonora (44)
Cohen Jehoram, Herman (43)
Dittrich, Robert (43)
Lexisnexis (FIRM) (43)
Dessemontet, François (42)
Nordemann, Wilhelm (41)
Heath, Christopher (40)
Blakeney, Michael (39)
International Federation Of Library Associations And Institutions (39)
León, Lorena Rivera (39)
Patent And Trademark Office Society (u.s.) (39)
Patent And Trademark Office Society (USA) (39)
Patent Office Society (Estats Units D'amèrica) (39)
Phillips, Jeremy (38)
West Group (38)
Bureaux Internationaux réunis pour la Protection de la Proprieté Intellectuelle (37)
Conte, Alessandro (37)
Cornell University (37)
Karnell, Gunnar (37)
Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development (37)
Great Britain (36)
International Chamber Of Commerce (36)
Katzenberger, Paul (36)
Lloyd, Richard (36)
Rivera León, Lorena (36)
Vivant, Michel (36)
Cornish, William R (35)
Little, Trevor (35)
Union Internationale Pour La Protection Des Obtentions Vegetales (35)
Council Of Europe (34)
Ladas, Stephen P (34)
Max-Planck-institut Für Ausländisches Und Internationales Patent-, Urheber- Und Wettbewerbsrecht (34)
Aracama Zorraquin, Ernesto (33)
Bureaux internationaux réunis pour la protection de la propriété intellectuelle (33)
International Council For Commercial Arbitration (33)
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (33)
Routledge (33)
Tilmann, Winfried (33)
Llewelyn, David (32)
Troller, Alois (32)
Australian Copyright Council (31)
Park, Kathryn (31)
Plaisant, Robert (31)
Rehbinder, Manfred (31)
Suisse (31)
Bardehle, Heinz (30)
Cabanellas, Guillermo (30)
Cottier, Thomas (30)
Masouye, Claude (30)
Commission Of The European Communities (29)
Dillenz, Walter (29)
Ebrary, Inc (29)
Finnegan, Marcus B (29)
Germany (29)
Gotzen, Frank (29)
Union Internationale pour la Protection des Obtentions Végétales (UPOV) (29)
World Trade Organization (29)
Dreier, Thomas (28)
European Audiovisual Observatory (28)
European Communities (28)
Haertel, Kurt (28)
Krieger, Albrecht (28)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (28)
世界知的所有権機関 (28)
Bonadio, Enrico (27)
Corbet, Jan (27)
France (27)
Jewell, Catherine (27)
Pagenberg, Jochen (27)
Singer, Romuald (27)
Ullrich, Hanns (27)
Beier, Friedrich-Karl (26)
Boytha, Gyoergy (26)
Geiger, Christophe (26)
Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual (26)
Tessensohn, John A (26)
de Werra, Jacques (25)
Deutschland (25)
Deutschland (BUNDESREPUBLIK) (25)
Martin, Stefan (25)
Union internationale pour la protection de la propriété industrielle (25)
Weltorganisation für Geistiges Eigentum (25)
White, Catherine (25)
Chaves, Antonio (24)
Desbois, Henri (24)
Lewinski, Silke Von (24)
Stauder, Dieter (24)
United Nations Development Programme (24)
Association Internationale Pour La Protection De La Propriete Industrielle (23)
Koumantos, Georges (23)
Marcellin, Yves (23)
Nations Unies (23)
Omondi, Paul (23)
Schneider, Marius (23)
Straschnov, Georges (23)
Drahos, Peter (22)
Fernand-Jacq (22)
Gall, Guenter (22)
Gendreau, Ysolde (22)
Hubmann, Heinrich (22)
Loewenheim, Ulrich (22)
Walter, Michel M (22)
American Bar Association (21)
Insead (21)
Knaak, Roland (21)
Kongolo, Tshimanga (21)
Krasser, Rudolf (21)
Kunz-hallstein, Hans Peter (21)
Lehmann, Michael (21)
Lemley, Mark A (21)
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft (21)
Rangel-ortiz, Horacio (21)
Uchtenhagen, Ulrich (21)
Wegner, Harold C (21)
World Health Organization (21)
Yu, Peter K (21)
Association Française pour la Diffusion du Droit d'auteur National et International (20)
Bently, Lionel (20)
Bodenhausen, G. H. C (20)
Correa, Carlos M (20)
Galtieri, Gino (20)
Ghidini, Gustavo (20)
Guttman, David S (20)
Hilty, Reto M (20)
Organization Of American States (20)
Reimer, Dietrich (20)
van den Berg, Albert Jan (20)
Arnold, Richard (19)
Burshtein, Sheldon (19)
European Commission (19)
Fédération Internationale Des Associations De Bibliothécaires Et Des Bibliothèques (19)
Gamm, Otto Friedrich Freiherr Von (19)
Gaul, Dieter (19)
Haeusser, Erich (19)
International Trademark Association (19)
Kolle, Gert (19)
Max-Planck-institut Für Ausländisches Und Internationales Patent-, Urheber- Und Wettbewerbsrecht (münchen) (19)
Naciones Unidas (19)
Strath, Janet (19)
Strowel, Alain (19)
Verlag C.h. Beck (19)
Abbott, Frederick M (18)
Armitage, Edward (18)
Bruchhausen, Karl (18)
Drexl, Josef (18)
Fink, Carsten (18)
Flechsig, Norbert P (18)
Goldstein, Paul (18)
Indecopi (18)
Intellectual And Industrial Property Society (AUSTRALIA) (18)
Intellectual And Industrial Property Society (vic.) (18)
Intellectual Property Society Of Australia And New Zealand (18)
Mousseron, Jean-marc (18)
Organisation Internationale De Normalisation (ISO) (18)
Organización De Cooperación Y. Desarrollo Económico (18)
Pakuscher, Ernst Karl (18)
Practising Law Institute (18)
Ricketson, Sam (18)
Rosén, Jan (18)
Safari Tech Books Online (18)
Ubertazzi, Luigi Carlo (18)
Vida, Alexander (18)
Walterscheid, Edward C (18)
Yu, P. K (18)
Anand, Pravin (17)
Antequera Parilli, Ricardo (17)
Braendli, Paul (17)
Catherine White (17)
European Patent Office (EPO) (17)
Ficsor, Mihaly (17)
Geller, Paul Edward (17)
Gervais, Daniel J (17)
Ginguay, Michel (17)
Hansen, Bernd (17)
Institut de Recherche en Propriété Intellectuelle (17)
Ligue Internationale Contre La Concurrence Deloyale (17)
Oppenheim, Charles (17)
Organisation Des Nations Unies (ONU) (17)
Rie, Robert (17)
Torremans, Paul (17)
Tripp, Karen B (17)
Université De LaUSAnne (17)
Zheng, Chengsi (17)
American Intellectual Property Law Association (16)
Benthem, J. B. Van (16)
Calboli, Irene (16)
Casado Cervino, Alberto (16)
Chartered Institute Of Patent Agents (16)
Collova, Taddeo (16)
De Sanctis, Valerio (16)
Derclaye, Estelle (16)
Desjeux, Xavier (16)
Geiger, C (16)
Henning-bodewig, Frauke (16)
Humsi, Natalie (16)
Ifla (16)
Larese, Wolfgang (16)
Maskus, Keith (16)
Mathely, Paul (16)
Olsson, Henry (16)
Pedrazzini, Mario M (16)
Plasseraud, Yves (16)
Ruijsenaars, Heijo Enrico (16)
Rumphorst, Werner (16)
Saez, Catherine (16)
Stroemholm, Stig (16)
Thirlway, Cecelia (16)
Wadlow, Christopher (16)
BNA International (15)
Campbell, Dennis (15)
Communautés Européennes (15)
Conseil De L'europe (15)
David, Lucas (15)
Davies, Gillian (15)
Ferderer, Rebecca (15)
Gavrilov, E. P (15)
Houldsworth, Adam (15)
International Labour Office (15)
Jütte, Bernd Justin (15)
Knap, Karel (15)
Levin, Marianne (15)
Lewinsky, Dietrich (15)
Merges, Robert P (15)
Mezei, Péter (15)
Mostert, Frederick (15)
Ohly, Ansgar (15)
Oman, Ralph (15)
Pedrosa, Monica Miglio (15)
Radojkovic, Zivan (15)
Raffo, Julio (15)
Smith, Joel (15)
Union Européenne (15)
Algardi, Zara Olivia (14)
Bercovitz Rodriguez-cano, Alberto (14)
Braun, Antoine (14)
Canadian Electronic Library (FIRM) (14)
Cuntz, Alexander (14)
Derenberg, Walter J (14)
Eminescu, Yolanda (14)
European Union (14)
Federation Internationale Des Ingenieurs-Conseils En Propriete Industrielle (14)
Frankel, Susy (14)
Harris, Edward (14)
Hesse, Hans Gerd (14)
Internationella Handelskammaren (14)
Johnson, Phillip (14)
Kreile, Reinhold (14)
Kronz, Hermann (14)
Kur, A (14)
Litec (14)
Macmillan, F (14)
Oecd (14)
Reichman, J. H (14)
Vaver, David (14)
Villalba, Carlos A (14)
Vossius, Volker (14)
Abell, Mark (13)
Baulch, Libby (13)
Cawthra, Bruce I (13)
Chavanne, Albert (13)
Cherpillod, Ivan (13)
Common Law Institute Of Intellectual Property (13)
Diamond, Sidney A (13)
Dreyfuss, R. C (13)
Drozdov, Igor (13)
España (13)
Europäische Gemeinschaften (13)
Federación Internacional De Asociaciones De Bibliotecarios Y. Bibliotecas (13)
Fikentscher, Wolfgang (13)
Francon, Andre (13)
Gibson, Johanna (13)
Gielen, Charles (13)
Goldscheider, Robert (13)
Hugenholtz, P. Bernt (13)
Jacob, Robin (13)
Kraft, Alfons (13)
Lerner, Josh (13)
Lucas, André (13)
Mccarthy, J. Thomas (13)
Mossinghoff, Gerald J (13)
Olenhusen, Goetz Albrecht Von (13)
Organization For Economic Cooperation And Development (13)
Osterborg, Lise (13)
Parr, Russell L (13)
Pfanner, Klaus (13)
Saint-gal, Yves (13)
Schmidt-szalewski, Joanna (13)
Sordelli, Luigi (13)
Stroebele, Paul (13)
Teplitzky, Otto (13)
Thorne, Robert (13)
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (13)
Walther, Roland (13)
Bereskin, Daniel R (12)
Council Of Europe (COE) (12)
Deutsche Vereinigung Für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz Und Urheberrecht (12)
Dutfield, Graham (12)
Elzaburu, A. De (12)
Emery, Miguel Angel (12)
Fletcher, Anthony L (12)
Guadamuz, Andres (12)
Guglielmetti, Giannantonio (12)
Handl, Josef (12)
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (12)
Internationaler Verband Zum Schutz Von Pflanzenzuechtungen (12)
John Marshall Law School (chicago, Ill.) (12)
Kucsko, Guido (12)
Kwakwa, Edward (12)
Leonelli, Leonello (12)
Martin, Jean Paul (12)
Mezghani, Nabila (12)
Mouchet, Carlos (12)
Nabhan, Victor (12)
Nikoltchev, Susanne (12)
Nimmer, Melville B (12)
Organisation De Coopération Et De Développement économiques (12)
Ostertag, F (12)
Pechmann, Eckehart Frhr Von (12)
Perot-morel, Marie-angele (12)
Pooley, James (12)
Rebello, Luiz Francisco (12)
Rogel Vide, Carlos (12)
Ronga, Giulio (12)
Sack, Rolf (12)
Samson, Benvenuto (12)
Schickedanz, Willi (12)
Schoenherr, Fritz (12)
Solberg, Thorvald (12)
Stern, Richard H (12)
Stern, Scott (12)
Suthersanen, Uma (12)
Viera, John David (12)
Arnold, Tom (11)
Becourt, Daniel (11)
Bentata, Victor (11)
Breimer, Stephen F (11)
Burst, Jean-jacques (11)
Canadà (11)
Center For Computer/Law (11)
Chisum, Donald S (11)
Cornish, W. R (11)
Correa, Carlos María (11)
Crespi, R. Stephen (11)
Dinwoodie, Graeme B (11)
Firth, Alison (11)
Franzosi, Mario (11)
Gaubiac, Yves (11)
Goryunov, Eugene (11)
Idris, Kamil (11)
International Telecommunication Union (11)
Japanese Patent Office (JPO) (11)
John Marshall Law School (chicago, Illinois) (11)