@article{49524, author = {Moscatelli, Federico, and Chacua, Christian, and Matha, Shreyas Gadgin, and Hartog, Matté, and Hernandez Rodriguez, Eduardo, and Raffo, Julio, and Yildirim, Muhammed A.,}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/49524}, title = {Can we map innovation capabilities? : Economic Research Working Paper No.81.}, abstract = {Recent years have witnessed a resurgence of industrial policies globally. Through various industrial policy instruments, governments make critical scientific and technological choices that shape innovation paths and resource allocations. Our paper explores innovation capabilities as essential drivers of competitive outcomes, spanning science, technology, and production domains. Based on the economic complexity literature, we propose a methodological framework to measure the innovation capabilities empirically, leveraging data on scientific publications, patents, and trade. Our findings highlight the multidimensional nature of innovation capabilities and underscore the importance of understanding both the specialization and quality of these capabilities. Our results are in line with the complexity literature, as we also find: (i) positive correlations between the innovation complexity and economic growth; and, (ii) the predictive power of existing innovation capabilities for fostering new ones. Based on these findings, we propose novel indicators informing innovation policymaking on the innovation potential across science, technology, and production fields of an ecosystem. We suggest that innovation policymaking needs to be informed by deeper insights into innovation capabilities that are crucial for long-term growth and competitiveness improvement.}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.34667/tind.49524}, recid = {49524}, pages = {66 pages ;}, }