@article{49137, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/49137}, title = {Tobacco Company is Prohibited from Sponsoring the Festival and Promoting its Products in Connection with it.}, abstract = {Directive 2003/33/EC, Art. 2 (b) and (c); Marketing Act, Sec. 23; Tobacco and Similar Products Act, Sec. 3(8), Sec. 9, Sec. 11(2) ‒ JTI Sweden AB v Konsumentombudsmannen (Consumer Ombudsman) Headnotes by the Editorial Office 1. Section 9 of the Tobacco and Similar Products Act, implementing Art. 2(c) Directive 2003/33/EC, lays down that manufacturers, wholesalers and importers may not sponsor national events or activities to which the public has access if the sponsorship promotes, inter alia, tobacco products. 2. The decisive factor in the current and previous wording of the sponsorship ban is, in accordance with the definition in the legislation, whether any form of private or public contribution has been made with the aim or the direct or indirect effect of promoting tobacco products. 3. A tobacco producer’s payments to a festival organiser constitute unfair marketing practices that must be prohibited under Sec. 23 of the Marketing Act.}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1093/grurint/ikad117}, recid = {49137}, pages = {1 online resource (pages 65–68)}, }