\def\WIPO{World Intellectual Property Organisation}
International Intellectual Property in an Integrated World Economy.
International Intellectual Property in an Integrated World Economy.
Fifth edition.
Item Type
1942 pages.
9781543857894 Print
9781543857900 eBook
9781543857900 eBook
Fifth Edition provides a comprehensive analysis of the international intellectual property system across the spectrum of intellectual property (IP) rights and interests. It introduces the institutional architecture at the multilateral, regional/plurilateral, bilateral, and national levels. For each form of IP, it addresses the legal rules and illustrative jurisprudence with a focus on major jurisdictions, as well as economic and social welfare implications. It also considers the continuously growing importance of IP in a constantly changing technological environment, currently reflected in the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and its deployment in creative and inventive activities. Each of the authors has played a role in the development and implementation of the international rules, and they bring their experience to bear in introducing students to the field.
Includes index.
Formatted Contents Note
Chapter 1. Structural Framework, Basic Principles, and Policies
I. Introduction
II. The Sources and Context of International IP Law
III. The Multilateral IP Institutions and Main Instruments
IV. Regional and Bilateral Arrangements
V. Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreements
VI. Interpretation and Status of IPR Agreements in Domestic Law
VII. Basic Principles of International IP Protection
VIII. Policies Underlying the International IPRs System
IX. Intellectual Property and Other Policy Goals
Chapter 2. The International Patent System
I. The Patent as Intellectual Property Form
II. The Multilateral Patent Agreements
III. Regional Systems
IV. Selected National Patent Systems
V. Patents and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
VI. Patent Licensing, Transfer of Technology, and Competition
Chapter 3 The International Trademark and Identifier System
I. Basic Characteristics of the Trademark, Service Mark, Trade Name, DomainName, and Geographical Indication
II. Trademarks at the International Level
III. Trademark Exhaustion and International Trade
IV. Trademark Registration at the Multilateral Level
V. Regional Trademark Systems
VI. Internet Domain Names at the Multilateral Level
Chapter 4. The International Copyright System
I. Copyright as an Intellectual Property Form
II. Multilateral Copyright Norms
III. Exhaustion and the Movement of Copyrighted Works in International Trade
IV. Regional Copyright Systems
V. Regional and Bilateral Trade Agreements
VI. Copyright in Software and Open Source
Chapter 5. Competition Law and Sui Generis Systems of Intellectual Property Protection: Traditional Knowledge, Plant Variety Protection, Undisclosed Information, Industrial Designs, and Integrated Circuits
I. Introduction
II. Protection Against Unfair Competition: The Relationship to Intellectual Property and Anti-Trust Rules
III. Traditional Knowledge in the International Intellectual Property System
IV. The International System for the Protection of Plant Varieties
V. The International System for the Protection of Trade Secret and Regulatory Data
VI. The International System for the Protection of Industrial Design and Integrated Circuit Layout Design
Chapter 6. The International System for the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
I. Introduction to the Legal Avenues of IPRs Enforcement
II. Multilateral IPRs Enforcement Agreements
III. Bilateral Trade Agreements and IPRs Enforcement
IV. The Enforcement Regimes of the European Union and of the United States
V. Civil Litigation and the Antisuit Injunction Phenomenon
Table of Cases
I. Introduction
II. The Sources and Context of International IP Law
III. The Multilateral IP Institutions and Main Instruments
IV. Regional and Bilateral Arrangements
V. Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreements
VI. Interpretation and Status of IPR Agreements in Domestic Law
VII. Basic Principles of International IP Protection
VIII. Policies Underlying the International IPRs System
IX. Intellectual Property and Other Policy Goals
Chapter 2. The International Patent System
I. The Patent as Intellectual Property Form
II. The Multilateral Patent Agreements
III. Regional Systems
IV. Selected National Patent Systems
V. Patents and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
VI. Patent Licensing, Transfer of Technology, and Competition
Chapter 3 The International Trademark and Identifier System
I. Basic Characteristics of the Trademark, Service Mark, Trade Name, DomainName, and Geographical Indication
II. Trademarks at the International Level
III. Trademark Exhaustion and International Trade
IV. Trademark Registration at the Multilateral Level
V. Regional Trademark Systems
VI. Internet Domain Names at the Multilateral Level
Chapter 4. The International Copyright System
I. Copyright as an Intellectual Property Form
II. Multilateral Copyright Norms
III. Exhaustion and the Movement of Copyrighted Works in International Trade
IV. Regional Copyright Systems
V. Regional and Bilateral Trade Agreements
VI. Copyright in Software and Open Source
Chapter 5. Competition Law and Sui Generis Systems of Intellectual Property Protection: Traditional Knowledge, Plant Variety Protection, Undisclosed Information, Industrial Designs, and Integrated Circuits
I. Introduction
II. Protection Against Unfair Competition: The Relationship to Intellectual Property and Anti-Trust Rules
III. Traditional Knowledge in the International Intellectual Property System
IV. The International System for the Protection of Plant Varieties
V. The International System for the Protection of Trade Secret and Regulatory Data
VI. The International System for the Protection of Industrial Design and Integrated Circuit Layout Design
Chapter 6. The International System for the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
I. Introduction to the Legal Avenues of IPRs Enforcement
II. Multilateral IPRs Enforcement Agreements
III. Bilateral Trade Agreements and IPRs Enforcement
IV. The Enforcement Regimes of the European Union and of the United States
V. Civil Litigation and the Antisuit Injunction Phenomenon
Table of Cases
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Burlington : Aspen Publishing, 2024.
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