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Copyright in the age of access to legal digital content : a study of EU copyright law in the context of consumptive use of protected content.
N 631 SZK.C
Available at WIPO Library
Copyright in the age of access to legal digital content : a study of EU copyright law in the context of consumptive use of protected content.
Item Type
506 pages : Illustrationen ; Erratum,
9789150628951 Print
Alternate Call Number
N 631 SZK.C
The study demonstrates that the different mechanisms that copyright law contains within and outside the system of limitations are suitable for ensuring access to legal content, however the evaluation leads to a formal rejection of most of them under the current legal framework. Against this the thesis proposes to formulate future copyright policy on the basis of especially a consideration of the interests of copyright users and the unpredictable nature of the use of technology for content delivery and access control. Beyond the user centric approach focusing on consumptive use of legal content, the overall scientific contribution of the thesis is the systematisation of copyright protection, the system of limitations, and fundamental rights in light of new case law, as well as a comprehensive assessment of the Cross-Border Portability Regulation. Moreover, the thesis proposes a novel approach to the question of digital exhaustion set in the context of the so-called making available right.
Dissertation Note
Dissertation Uppsala Universitet, Department of Law 2021.
Uppsala : Uppsala Universitet, 2021.
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