@article{48031, author = {AlGhamdi, Manal S., and Durugbo, Christopher M.,}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/48031}, title = {Business-to-business co-creation management practices for intellectual property value: Insights from Saudi Arabia.}, abstract = {Managing intellectual property (IP) value appropriation remains a central challenge for business-to-business (B2B) networks due to B2B co-creation prospects for improved value-in-exchange and value-in-use for co-creation beneficiaries. This article aims to explore the management practices of B2B networks that enhance IP value from B2B co-creation. Using semi-structured interviews with sixteen IP management experts from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the article proposes an integrated model of management strategies and guidelines for B2B co-creation with respect to IP value. The model posits that at the intra-organisational level, the main enabling processes for value appropriation are building communication skills, implementing hiring processes, and developing management systems for negotiations, talents, and intellectual assets, respectively. This level benefits from priorities placed on selecting strategic partners and fostering learning cultures for knowledge, technology, and venture co-creation processes. For the inter-organisational level, the proposed enabling processes are pursuing research funds and creating optimum designs for technology development and market positioning, respectively. Priorities at this level involve aligning complementary resources, developing clear agreements, and utilising supportive capabilities for technology and market co-creation.}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wpi.2023.102180}, recid = {48031}, pages = {1 volume.}, }