TY - GEN AU - Piszcz, Anna, AU - Grynfogel, Catherine, ID - 46875 JF - International Review of Intellectual Property Law & Competition Law KW - Intellectual property KW - Competition law KW - Intellectual property LA - eng LK - https://www.westlaw.com/Document/I67E153F02D7411ED896AAE13BD609A21/View/FullText.html?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)&VR=3.0&RS=cblt1.0&sp=wlnintell-000 T1 - Overview of compliance with the requirements of Directive (EU) 2019/1 with regard to the independence and resources of national competition authorities: the examples of France and Poland. TI - Overview of compliance with the requirements of Directive (EU) 2019/1 with regard to the independence and resources of national competition authorities: the examples of France and Poland. UR - https://www.westlaw.com/Document/I67E153F02D7411ED896AAE13BD609A21/View/FullText.html?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)&VR=3.0&RS=cblt1.0&sp=wlnintell-000 VL - Volume 53, Issue 7 ER -