@article{45851, author = {Greenspan, David. and Dimita, Gaetano. and Boyd, S. Gregory. and Rizzi, Andrea.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/45851}, title = {Mastering the Game: Business and Legal Issues for Video Game Developers - A Training Tool}, abstract = {Mastering the Game (MTG) provides an introduction to the video game industry and explains key business and legal issues to help video game developers understand the video game landscape in dealing with IP, regulatory (including marketing, privacy, ratings), and other legal and business issues in a complex and evolving landscape. In addition, MTG provides a detailed discussion on the primary agreements involved in the development and distribution of video games, including publisher-developer, talent, music, distribution (mobile, PC, and console), licensing (whether acting as a licensee or licensor), vendor, and confidentiality.}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.34667/tind.45851}, recid = {45851}, pages = {376 pages ;}, address = {2022}, }