@article{42019, author = {Field, Thomas G.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/42019}, title = {Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Cases & Materials}, abstract = {This is approximately the 24th revision of a conventional 472 pp. casebook. Used twice annually since 1999, this edition will be used in 3-semester-hour courses in 2012-13. Non-commercial reproduction of this file is royalty free, but one of the comprehensive statutory supplement is recommended. Also, an inexpensive paperback may be purchased from Amazon, with bulk discounts available through the author. The book flags common themes and critical distinctions among IP components. The goal is to present the most important and durable aspects of the law for the benefit of potential legal specialists as well as generalists. Pursuit of such objectives is informed by over forty years of study and teaching students at every level of technical and legal sophistication. That current policy debates often center on issues raised in the 1800s and earlier has also been helpful. Indeed, much that is truly fundamental remains remarkably constant. Domain names and rights of publicity also receive modest attention. Moreover, from the outset, remedies figure pervasively. Pre-emption and commercial speech issues are addressed in separate chapters, as well as elsewhere when appropriate.}, recid = {42019}, pages = {472 pages}, }