@article{41854, recid = {41854}, author = {Young, Robert G. and Mitterboeck, T. Fatima}, title = {Perspectives for early-career researchers on plagiarism and scientific integrity}, pages = {9 pages}, note = {This resource was extracted from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)}, abstract = {Lapses in scientific integrity, such as plagiarism, persist in the scientific realm. To be successful andcontributory, early-career researchers (ECRs),including graduate students, need to be able toeffectively navigate the literature, peer-review process, and scientific research with integrity. Herewe discuss different aspects of scientific integrity related to ECRs. Our discussion centres on the con-cepts of plagiarism and intellectual property, predatory journals, aspects of peer review, transparencyin publishing, and false advanced accreditations. Negative elements within these topics may be espe-cially damaging to ECRs, who may be less familiar with the research landscape. We highlight the needfor ECRs to approach scientific investigation cautiously and thoughtfully to promote integritythrough critical thinking.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/41854}, }