@article{41695, author = {Hugenholtz, Peter Bernt. and Bechtold, Stefan; Dusollier, Séverine; Hugenholtz, P. Bernt; Kretschmer, Martin; Ohly, Ansgar; Poort, Joost; Quintais, João Pedro; Rognstad, Ole-Andreas; Strowel, Alain. Contributors.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/41695}, title = {Copyright Reconstructed : Rethinking Copyright’s Economic Rights in a Time of Highly Dynamic Technological and Economic Change.}, abstract = {Copyright Reconstructed is the result of a collaborative research project, ‘Reconstructing Rights’ funded by Microsoft Europe, that normatively examined the core economic rights protected under EU copyright law, with the aim of realigning these rights with economic and technological realities. It follows an interdisciplinary approach, combining economic and legal methods. The book presents various concurring future models of ‘reconstructed’ copyright law. The historical evolution of copyright has led to a growing disconnect between the legal definitions of economic rights and the business and technological realities they regulate, eroding copyright’s normative content and distorting the scope of its economic rights.}, recid = {41695}, pages = {xx, 338 pages}, }