The principle of national treatment, or the non-discrimination clause, applies across many fields of international economic law. This book provides a unique horizontal examination of the principle as it applies within international trade law, international investment law and intellectual property law, whilst also offering challenging and perceptive views on commercial practices, trade law and policy. Combining perspectives from practitioners, academics and members of the judiciary, the book is the first to cover the national treatment principle across the whole field of international economic law – including not only in the domain of WTO law, but also in treaty and contractual settings involving investment and in intellectual property law. It also provides practical insights regarding the application of the principle relevant to inter-state relations, state-investor relations and in the context of intellectual property protection. With its comprehensive interdisciplinary coverage, this book will be of special interest to academics, students and practitioners interested in international economic law and trade, international investment law, and intellectual property law and policy. 24 cm.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Formatted Contents Note
Introduction to the series Introduction Part I: International Trade Law 1. The Philosophy of Non-discrimination in International Trade Regulation 2. National Treatment under GATT 1994: Jurisprudential Developments on De Facto Discrimination 3. National Treatment under the General Agreement on Trade in Services 4. National Treatment under the TBT Agreement 5. National Treatment in the SPS Agreement: A Sui Generis Obligation Part II: International Investment Law 6. National Treatment in Emerging Market Investment Treaties 7. National Treatment in International Investment Law and Arbitration: A Relative Standard for Autonomous Public Regulation and Sovereign Development Part III: Intellectual Property Law 8. National Treatment under the Paris Convention 9. National Treatment in Copyright and Related Rights: How Much Work Does it Do? 10. National Treatment under the TRIPS Agreement 11 The Hidden Conflict-of-law Rule in the Berne and Paris Principle of National Treatment Index