\def\WIPO{World Intellectual Property Organisation}
Symposium on the international protection of geographical indications.
W L3 764(E) 1999
Available at WIPO Library
Symposium on the international protection of geographical indications.
96 pages ; 30 cm.
Alternate Call Number
W L3 764(E) 1999
This publication is a compilation of the papers which were presented at the Symposium on the International Protection of Geographical Indicators, held in Southh Africa in 1999. This Symposium was the seventh in a series of events dedicated to discussiong current issues relating to the use and protection of geographical indications.
WIPO Publication No. 764(E).
Formatted Contents Note
Opening Address / Lindiwe Ngwane and Li-Feng Schrock
International Protection of Geographical Indications - The Present Situation and Prospects for Future Developments / Marcus Hopperger
Recent Developments in the Council for TRIPS (WTO) / Thu-Lang Tran Wasescha
The Protection of Geographical Indications in South Africa / Anne Stern and Hermann Rademeyer
The Protection of Geographical Indications in the United States of America / Lynne Beresford / Protection of Geographical Indications: The Approach of the European Union / Francois Vital
Geographical Indications and Trademarks: Harmony or Conflict? / Henning Harte-Bavendamm
The Use of Geographical Indications in a Collective Marketing Strategy: The Example of Cognac / Jean-Marc Girardeau
The Use of Geographical Indications in a Collective Marketing Strategy: The Example of the South African Wine Industry / Jakobus van Niekerk
List of Participants
Opening Address / Lindiwe Ngwane and Li-Feng Schrock
International Protection of Geographical Indications - The Present Situation and Prospects for Future Developments / Marcus Hopperger
Recent Developments in the Council for TRIPS (WTO) / Thu-Lang Tran Wasescha
The Protection of Geographical Indications in South Africa / Anne Stern and Hermann Rademeyer
The Protection of Geographical Indications in the United States of America / Lynne Beresford / Protection of Geographical Indications: The Approach of the European Union / Francois Vital
Geographical Indications and Trademarks: Harmony or Conflict? / Henning Harte-Bavendamm
The Use of Geographical Indications in a Collective Marketing Strategy: The Example of Cognac / Jean-Marc Girardeau
The Use of Geographical Indications in a Collective Marketing Strategy: The Example of the South African Wine Industry / Jakobus van Niekerk
List of Participants
WIPO publication ; no. 764(E)
Geneva, Switzerland : World Intellectual Property Organization, 1999.
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