@article{25399, recid = {25399}, author = {Ganea, Peter, and Hiroshi, Saikô. and Ganea, Peter, and Heath, Christopher, and Saitô, Hiroshi, and Saito, Hiroshi, and Heat, Christopher, and Saitð, Hiroshi, and Schricker, Gerhard,}, title = {Japanese Copyright Law : Writings in Honour of Gerhard Schricker.}, pages = {xiv, 249 pages ;}, note = {"Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Patent, Copyright and Competition Law."}, abstract = {The book is written by a number of leading Japanese and Max Planck academics, and Japanese practitioners, and thus combines practical knowledge with academic standards. The book contains the following chapters: Copyright Hirstory;General Introduction;Protected Works;Copyright Ownership;Moral Rights;Economic Rights and Limitations;Copyright Contract Law;Neighbouring Rights;The Enforcement of Copyrights.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/25399}, }