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Patent enforcement worldwide : a survey of 15 countries: writings in honour of Dieter Stauder / edited by Christopher Heath and Laurence Petit.
Heath, Christopher., author.; Heath, Christopher, editor.; Petit, Laurence, edtior.; Stauder, Dieter, honouree.; Université De Strasbourg. Centre D'études Internationales De La Propriété Industrielle.; Centre D'études Internationales De La Propriété Industrielle (STRASBOURG); Max-Planck-institut Für Ausländisches Und Internationales Patent-, Urheber- Und Wettbewerbsrecht (munich, Allemagne)
F 13 HEA.P
Available at WIPO Library
Patent enforcement worldwide : a survey of 15 countries: writings in honour of Dieter Stauder / edited by Christopher Heath and Laurence Petit.
Second edition.
xxxvii, 490 pages ; 22 cm.
9781847312556 electronic book
1847312551 electronic book
9781841135380 paperback
9781472563262 online
9781847312556 electronic book
1847312551 electronic book
9781841135380 paperback
9781472563262 online
Alternate Call Number
F 13 HEA.P
Patent infringement procedures are an instrument whereby the patentee defends his protected invention against unlawful use by a third party (the alleged infringer). The difficulty is that the patent is no solid object whose damage can be easily detected; it belongs to that group of rights whose infringement is not easy to determine. The patent is a right described by words, and those words, written into a claim, are so complicated that laymen and lawyers alike fail to understand them. This is the special feature which distinguishes the patent right. This book consists of a series of country r.
"A joint research project by the Max Planck Institute, Munich & CEIPI, Strasbourg."
Nel frontespizio: A joint research project by the Max Planck Institute, Munich & CEIPI, Strasbourg.
Nel frontespizio: A joint research project by the Max Planck Institute, Munich & CEIPI, Strasbourg.
Formatted Contents Note
1. Comparative overview and the TRIPS enforcement, 2. European issues of patent enforcement, 3. The enforcement of patent rights in the United Kingdom, 4. The enforcement of patent rights in Germany, 5. The enforcement of patent rights in France, 6. The enforcement of patent rights in the Netherlands, 7. The enforcement of patent rights in Italy, 8. The enforcement of patent rights in Switzerland, 9. The enforcement of patent rights in Poland, 10. The enforcement of patent rights in the Czech Republic, 11. The enforcement of patent rights un Hungary, 12. The enforcement of patent rights in China, 13. The enforcement of patent rights in Japan, 14. The enforcement of patent rights in Korea, 15. The enforcement of patent rights in the United States, 16. The enforcement of patent rights in Argentina, 17. The enforcement of patent rights in Brazil.
Studies In Industrial Property And Copyright Law.
Oxford : Hart, 2005.
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