@article{24250, note = {Decision of the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) 28.April 2006 - Case No.4 Ob 5/06y.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/24250}, title = {Trade Mark Act, Sec. 10(1); EC Reg. 40/94, Arts. 1(2), 9 - 4 Ob 5/06y - "LUCKY STRIKE".}, abstract = {Enforcement of Community trade mark as prohibitory right - For right holder to determine infringements he wishes to prosecute and with what territorial effect - Petition for injunction covering entire EU area - Judicial prohibition to be issued for entire Community even if infringement occurred in only one Member State.}, recid = {24250}, pages = {1 volume ([4] pages) ;}, }