TY - GEN AB - Rev. ed. of : Patents in chemistry and biotechnology. 2nd ed. 1986. AU - Grubb, Philip W., AU - Grubb, Philip W. CN - T211 CN - T211G78 CN - K1505.4 ID - 23251 KW - Drugs KW - Patent laws and legislation KW - Biotechnology KW - Biotechnologie KW - Chimie KW - Chemistry KW - Patents KW - Chemistry KW - Chemicals KW - Patent laws and legislation. KW - Patents. KW - Drugs. KW - PATENTS : PATENTABILITY : CHEMICAL AND OTHER PRODUCTS KW - PATENTS : BIOTECHNOLOGY KW - PATENT RIGHTS : HISTORY KW - GATT : TRIPS KW - TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY : DEVELOPING COUNTRIES KW - TRIPS IMPLEMENTATION : DEVELOPING COUNTRIES KW - PATENTS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES KW - CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY (CBD) KW - CHEMISTRY : PATENTS KW - PHARMACEUTICAL INVENTIONS KW - BIOTECHNOLOGICAL INVENTIONS KW - DEVELOPMENT OF PATENT LAW KW - PATENTING OF GENES, PLANTS AND ANIMALS KW - PATENTING OF SOFTWARE-RELATED INVENTIONS KW - EMPLOYEE INVENTORS : COMPENSATION KW - TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER LICENCES KW - PATENTS : COMPETITION LAW KW - COMMERCIAL EXPLOITATION OF PATENTS KW - PATENT LAW AND PROCEDURE KW - CHEMICAL INVENTIONS LA - eng N1 - Glossary of patent terms and jargon [is included]; The first edition of this book was published in 1982 under the title PATENTS FOR CHEMISTS; the second edition was published in 1986 under the title PATENTS IN CHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY;. N1 - Revised edition of: Patents in chemistry and biotechnology. 2nd ed. 1986. N1 - Rev, ed. of: Patents in chemistry and biotechnology. 2nd ed. 1986. N1 - Éd. rév. de: Patents in chemistry and biotechnology. N1 - 2e dr. verschenen o.d.t.: Patents in chemistry and biotechnology, 1986. N2 - Rev. ed. of : Patents in chemistry and biotechnology. 2nd ed. 1986. SN - 0198765207 T1 - Patents for chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology :fundamentals of global law, practice, and strategy / TI - Patents for chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology :fundamentals of global law, practice, and strategy / ER -