@article{23129, note = {Speakers of the Symposium : BOGSCH, Arpad. Director General, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva. Opening Address; BENDZSEL, Miklo?s. President, Hungarian Patent Office, Budapest. Opening Address; BAEUMER, Ludwig. Director, Industrial Property Law Department, WIPO. Protection of Geographical Indications Under WIPO Treaties and Questions Concerning the Relationship Between those Treaties and the TRIPS Agreement; GEUZE, Matthijs. Counsellor, Intellectual Property and Investment Division, World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva. Protection of Geographical Indications Under the TRIPS Agreement and Related Work of the World Trade Organization; SZIGETI, E?va. Attorney at Law, Budapest. Protection of Geographical Indications in the Central and Eastern European Countries; PE?REZ, Susana. Lawyer, Quality Policy Unit, Directorate-General VI, Agriculture, European Commission, Brussels. Protection of Geographical Indications in the European Union; GEVERS, Florent. Industrial Property Attorney, President of the Belgian Group of AIPPI, Brussels. Topical Issues of the Protection of Geographical Indications; O'BRIEN, Vincent. Attorney at Law, New York. Protection of Geographical Indications in the United States of America; RANGEL ORITZ, Horacio. Lawyer, President of the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), Mexico D.F. Geographical Indications in Recent Treaty Law in the Americas : NAFTA, Latin American Free Trade Agreements, MERCOSUR, the Andean Community and the Central American Protocol; AUDIER, Jacques. Faculte? de droit, Universite? de droit, d'e?conomie et des sciences, Aix-en-Provence, France. Protection of Geographical Indications in France and Protection of French Geographical Indications in Other Countries; RYAN, Desmond. Industrial Property Attorney, Melbourne, Australia. Protection of Geographical Indications in Australia and New Zealand;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/23129}, title = {Symposium on the international protection of geographical indications in the worldwide context : organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Hungarian Patent Office : Eger (Hungary), October 24 and 25, 1997}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.34667/tind.23129}, recid = {23129}, pages = {xiv, 276 pages ;}, }