@article{23100, note = {ALEXANDER, Willy. Exhaustion of intellectual property rights : worldwide or Community-(EEA)-wide?; CORBET, Jan. Copyright and competition law : difficult neighbours; FRANCON, Andre?. The concept of possession and intellectual property in French law; GELLER, Paul Edward. International intellectual property, conflicts of laws, and internet remedies; KOUMANTOS, Georges. Reflections on the concept of intellectual property; QUAEDVLIEG, Antoon A. Three times a hybrid - the typecasting hybrids between copyright and industrial property; SPOOR, Jaap H. The impact of copyright on Benelux design protection law; VERKADE, D W Feer. The cumulative effect of copyright law and trademark law: which takes precedence?; ANTONS, Christoph. Indonesian copyright law after TRIPs: between Dutch tradition and Anglo-American influences; ASSCHER, Maarten. The cottage by the highway - some notes on the relationship between copyright and publishing; NIJHOFF ASSER, Paul. Herman Cohen Jehoram and the Dutch Copyright Society: a personal interpretation; DESSEMONTET, Franc?ois. Copyright and human rights; DIETZ, Adolf. A concept of 'Domaine Public Payant' in the field of the neighbouring right of performers; DREIER, Thomas. Damages for copyright infringement in Germany; DWORKIN, Gerald. Judicial control of copyright on public policy grounds; GINSBURG, Jane, GAUBIAC, Yves. Private copying in the digital environment; GOTZEN, Frank. Harmonization of copyright in the European Union; GROSHEIDE, F. William. Dutch copyright: right or expediency? (1817-1912 and after); HUGENHOLTZ, P. Bernt. Implementing the European Database Directive; KARNELL, Gunnar W. G. European originality: a copyright chimera; LINGEN, Niek van. Collective copyright administration, competition and supervision (from HCJ to MDW); NORDEMANN, Wilhelm. Towards a basic international regime of copyright contracts; PEEPERKORN, David. Malesherbes on the rights and duties of authors; BRINKHOF, Jan. Merck II: a missed opportunity; CORNISH, William. Informal rights in industrial designs: why impose community constraints?; GIELEN, Charles. Design protection and unfair competition; HUYDECOPER, Tony. Keeping up appearances; PINCKAERS, J. C. Sebastian. Misappropriation of goodwill of popular symbols; DOMMERING, Egbert. Addresses in cyberspace have no physical place - addresses, telephone numbers and domain names; MEIJ, Jan M. de. Copyright and freedom of expression in the Swedish constitution: an example for the Netherlands?; SCHUIJT, Gerard A I. Information law: from concentric circles theory to pimple theory;.}, author = {Kabel, Jan J. C., and Mom, Gerard J. H. M., and Cohen Jehoram, Herman, and Jehoram, H. Cohen. and Alexander, Willy,}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/23100}, title = {Intellectual property and information law : essays in honour of Herman Cohan Jehoram /}, recid = {23100}, pages = {xi, 350 pages :}, }