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Softwareentwicklung als systemische Intervention in Organisationen / Beate Kuhnt.
D 73 KUH.S
Available at WIPO Library
Softwareentwicklung als systemische Intervention in Organisationen / Beate Kuhnt.
iii, 196 pages ; [28] cm
Alternate Call Number
D 73 KUH.S
Dissertation der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakulta?t der Universita?t Zu?rich : zur Erlangung der Wu?rde eines Doktors der Informatik; Genehmigt auf Antrag von : Prof. Dr. Helmut Schauer Prof. Dr. Christiane Floyd; Abstract : "This study deals with problems in the software engineering process both in and for organizations. We postulate that software engineering implies an intervention in the organization and the software engineering process itself is perceived as a disruption from the organization's perspective. This means that a major part of the problems of software engineering are caused by the software acquisition process, which the organization must undertake in order to obtain the desired software artefact. Thus the users and the software engineering team themselves work together as a mutual source of disruptions. As a solution, we introduce a systemic approach, able to ground the problems of acquisition in terms of system theory. On the basis of this, the concept of intervention as a methodological instrument is presented. The main topic of this study is the development of an intervention framework, which enable software developers to localize disturbances in software projects and to derive adequate methods to cope with these problems. The practical application of the systemic approach is demonstrated through the use of four case studies."
[Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 1998.
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