\def\WIPO{World Intellectual Property Organisation}
Memorandum of Agreement concerning the procedure to be followed for the deposit and registration with the United Nations of International Labour Conventions and certain other instruments adopted by the International Labour Conference. Signed at Lake Success, New York, on 17 February 1949 = Me?morandum d'accord relatif a? la proce?dure a? suivre pour le de?po?t et l'enregistrement aupre?s de l'Organisation des Nations Unies des conventions internationales du travail et de certains autres instruments adopte?s par la Confe?rence internationale du travail. Signe? a? Lake Success, New-York, le 17 fe?vrier 1949.
C 310 ILO.M
Available at WIPO Library
Memorandum of Agreement concerning the procedure to be followed for the deposit and registration with the United Nations of International Labour Conventions and certain other instruments adopted by the International Labour Conference. Signed at Lake Success, New York, on 17 February 1949 = Me?morandum d'accord relatif a? la proce?dure a? suivre pour le de?po?t et l'enregistrement aupre?s de l'Organisation des Nations Unies des conventions internationales du travail et de certains autres instruments adopte?s par la Confe?rence internationale du travail. Signe? a? Lake Success, New-York, le 17 fe?vrier 1949.
1 volume (various paging) ; [28] cm
Alternate Call Number
C 310 ILO.M
[Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 1949.
Record Appears in