@article{22514, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/22514}, title = {Agreement between the United Nations and the International Telecommunication Union approved by the Plenipotentiary Telecommunication Conference on 4 September 1947 and by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 15 November 1947, and Protocol concerning the entry into force of the said Agreement. Signed on 26 April 1949 = Accord entre l'Organisation des Nations Unies et l'Union internationale des te?le?communications approuve? par la Confe?rence ple?nipotentiaire des te?le?communications le 4 septembre 1947 et par l'Assemble ge?ne?rale des Nations Unies le 15 novembre 1947, et le Protocole relatif a? l'entre?e en vigueur dudit Accord. Signe? le 26 avril 1949.}, recid = {22514}, pages = {1 volume (various paging) ;}, }