@article{22457, recid = {22457}, author = {Burshtein, Sheldon, and Butler, Colleen C. and Cahn, Jeffrey B. and Burshtein, Sheldon.}, title = {The use of another's trademark : review of the law in the United States, Canada and Western Europe /}, pages = {xvii, 153 pages ;}, note = {Price : 68.41; Inv.3 CSI100355; Date 25/09/98; Supplier : CroftHouse, UK; Recd 30/09/98; Table of Contents : Part 1. United States : Chapter 1. Basic rule; Chapter 2. Comparative advertising : Improper use of another's mark; Use of another's mark on a product; Use of another's mark in an informational context; Chapter 3. Replacement parts/Compatility claims; Chapter 4. Repackaged/Rebottled/Reconditioned goods; Chapter 5. Parody : Introduction; Likehood of confusion; Dilution; The first amendment; The right of publicity; Chapter 6. Miscellaneous situations : Use by independent dealers; Use by former franchisees and licensees; Use by former employees; Use of a mark to refer to the owner; Use by a non-competitor to reference an attribute of the owner; Chapter 7. Conclusion; Part6 2. Canada; Chapter 8. Basic rules; Chapter 9. Relevant common law and legislation : Common law; Trade-marks Act; Competition Act; Other restrictions; Chapter 10. Various situations : Comparative advertising; Compatibility claims; Replacement parts, accessories and refills; Ingredients and components; Repaired, reassembled, reconditioned and second hand goods; Adulterated goods; Miscellaneous; Chapter 11. Attribution : Disclaimers; Duty to identify; How to identify; Is it advisable to seek permission? Chapter 12. Conclusion; Part 3. Western Europe; Chapter 13. Introduction; Chapter 14. European Union : Basic rule; Various situations; Chapter 15. Benelux-Belgium/The Netherlands/Luxembourg : Basic rules; Comparative advertising; Compatibility claims and replacement parts; Miscellaneous situations and the fair use defense; Chapter 16. Denmark : Basic rule; Various situations; Chapter 17. France : Basic rule; Various situations; Chapter 19. Greece : Basic rule; Various situations; Chapter 20. Italy : Basic rule; Various situations; Chapter 21. Portugal : Basic rule; Various situations; Chapter 22. Spain : Basic rule; Various situations; Chapter 23. Sweden : Basic rule; Carious situations; Chapter 24. United Kingdom : Basic rule; Various situations;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/22457}, }