@article{22456, note = {Price : GBP 68.41; Inv.# CSI100355; Date 25/09/98; Supplier : CroftHouse, UK; Recd 30/09/98; Table of Contents : Part 1. Definitions; Chapter 1. Introduction; Chapter 2. Trade dress is a type of trademark; Chapter 3. Trade dress explained : Product packaging/Wrapping/Container; Product configuration/Design; Total image of business (Restaurant); Part 2. Trade dress infringement : Chapter 4. Elements of trade dress infringement - general; Chapter 5. Proving trade dress is protectable : Inherently distinctive trade dress; Secondary meaning/acquired distinctiveness; Nonfunctionality; Chapter 6. Proving likelihood of confusion; Chapter 7. Willful infringement; Part 3. Defenses; Chapter 8. Functionality; Chapter 9. Abandonment; Chapter 10. Introduction; Chapter 11. Defendant's profits and/or plaintiff's actual; Damages; Chapter 12. Other damages;.}, author = {Witschel, Carol A., and Witschel, Carol A.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/22456}, title = {Trade dress jury instructions /}, recid = {22456}, pages = {126 pages ;}, }