\def\WIPO{World Intellectual Property Organisation}
Anti-counterfeiting : a practical guide / Anthea Worsdall, Andrew Clark.
F 649 WOR.A
Available at WIPO Library
Anti-counterfeiting : a practical guide / Anthea Worsdall, Andrew Clark.
xliii, 330 pages : forms ; 25 cm
Alternate Call Number
F 649 WOR.A
Contents : 1. Background and general principles : Defining product counterfeiting; Counterfeit goods, over-runs and parallel imports; Nature and scale of product counterfeiting activity; The aim of the book 2. Practical considerations : Developing a strategy; Sources of information; Evidence; Civil or criminal action? Joint actions; Publicity; Disposal of goods; Financial considerations; 3. Civil provisions : Introduction; Trade marks; Passing-off; Character merchandising; Copyright; Design protection; Joint liability and conspiracy; 4. Civil enforcement : Introduction; Conduct of civil proceedings; Interlocutory injunctions; Action for discovery; Disclosure by public bodies; Consent orders; Permanent injunctions; Monetary awards; Self-help; Orders relating to infringing signs; Anton Piller orders : procedural guide; Mareva injunctions : procedural guide; 5. Criminal provisions : The development of criminal law; Trade Description Act 1968; Trade Marks Act 1994; Offences commited by partnerships and companies; Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988; Theft Act 1968; Conspiracy to defraud; Revenue offences; Street trading offences; International aspects of criminal proceedings; 6. Criminal enforcement : Introduction; Public enforcement; Enforcement by trading standards officers; Enforcement by the police; Enforcement by HM customs and excise; The prosecution process; Sentencing; Private criminal enforcement; 7. Border measures : Introduction; European Community regulations; Domestic regulations; Postcript; 8. International aspects of anti-counterfeiting law and practice : Introduction; Private international law; Public international law; Appendix 1. Legislation; Appendix 2. Forms and notices; Appendix 3. Addresses;.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Bristol : Jordans, 1998.
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