@article{22387, note = {Price : CHF 54.20; Inv.# 21710; Date 31/08/98; Supplier : ELLIPSE, Geneva; Recd 01/09/98; Table of Contents : 1. Introduction; 2. Scalar data; 3. Arrays and list data; 4. Control structures; 5. Associative arrays; 6. Basic I/0; 7. Regular expressions; 8. Functions; 9. Miscellaneous control structures; 10. Filehandles and file tests; 11. Formats; 12. Directory access; 13. File and directory manipulation; 14. Process management; 15. Other data transformation; 16. System database access; 17. User database manipulation; 18. Converting other languages to Perl; A. Exercice answers; B. Networking basics; C. Topics we didn't mention;.}, author = {Schwartz, Randal L., and Schwartz, Randal L. and Wall, Larry,}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/22387}, title = {Learning Perl /}, recid = {22387}, pages = {xxv, 246 pages ;}, }