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Borders in cyberspace : information policy and the global information infrastructure / edited by Brian Kahin and Charles Nesson.
B 343 KAH.B
Available at WIPO Library
Borders in cyberspace : information policy and the global information infrastructure / edited by Brian Kahin and Charles Nesson.
xi, 374 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
0262611260 paperback
9780262611268 paperback
9780262112208 hc
058500286X electronic book
9780585002866 electronic book
0262611260 paperback
9780262611268 paperback
9780262112208 hc
058500286X electronic book
9780585002866 electronic book
Alternate Call Number
B 343 KAH.B
Borders in Cyberspace investigates issues arising from national differences in law, public policy, and social and cultural values in light of the emerging global information infrastructure. The contributions include detailed analyses of some of the most visible issues, including intellectual property, security, privacy, and censorship.
Contents : Life and law on the frontier : JOHNSON, David R., POST, David G. The rise of law on the global network; VOLKMER, Ingrid. Universalism and particularism : the problem of cultural sovereignty and global information flow; REIDENBERG, Joel R. Governing networks and rule-making in cyberspace; KEDZIE, Christopher R. The third waves; FROOMKIN, Michael A. The Internet as a source of regulatory arbitrage; PERRITT, Henry H Jr. Jurisdiction in cyberspace : the role of intermediaries; Issues across borders : BURK, Dan L. The market for digital piracy; MAYER-SCHOENBERGER, Viktor, FOSTER, Teree E. A regulatory Web : free speech and the global information infrastructure; GELLMAN, Robert. Conflict and overlap in privacy regulation : national, international, and private; BARTH, Richard C., SMITH, Clint N. International regulation of encryption : technology will drive policy; WEISS, Peter N., BACKLUND, Peter. International information policy in conflict, open and unrestricted access versus government commercialization; GOLDRING, John. Netting the cybershark : consumer protection, cyberspace, the Nation-State, and democracy;.
A publication of the Harvard Information Infrastructure Project.
A publication of the Harvard Information Infrastructure Project.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Formatted Contents Note
Life and law on the frontier: Rise of law on the global network / David R. Johnson and David G. Post. Universalism and particularism : the problem of cultural sovereignty and global information flow / Ingrid Volkmer. Governing networks and rule-making in cyberspace / Joel R. Reidenberg. Third waves / Christopher R. Kedzie. Internet as a source of regulatory arbitrage / A. Michael Froomkin. Jurisdiction in cyberspace : the role of intermediaries / Henry H. Perritt, Jr.
Issues across borders: Market for digital piracy / Dan L. Burk. Regulatory web : free speech and the global information infrastructure / Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Teree E. Foster. Conflict and overlap in privacy regulation : national, international, and private / Robert Gellman. International regulation of encryption : technology will drive policy / Richard C. Barth and Clint N. Smith. International information policy in conflict : open and unrestricted access versus government commercialization / Peter N. Weiss and Peter Backlund. Netting the cybershark : consumer protection, cyberspace, the nation-state, and democracy / John Goldring.
Issues across borders: Market for digital piracy / Dan L. Burk. Regulatory web : free speech and the global information infrastructure / Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Teree E. Foster. Conflict and overlap in privacy regulation : national, international, and private / Robert Gellman. International regulation of encryption : technology will drive policy / Richard C. Barth and Clint N. Smith. International information policy in conflict : open and unrestricted access versus government commercialization / Peter N. Weiss and Peter Backlund. Netting the cybershark : consumer protection, cyberspace, the nation-state, and democracy / John Goldring.
publication of the Harvard Information Infrastructure Project.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1997.
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