@article{22292, recid = {22292}, author = {Rosser, Sue V., and Rossner, Sue V.}, title = {Teaching the majority : breaking the gender barrier in science, mathematics, and engineering /}, pages = {vii, 264 pages :}, note = {Price : US$ 22.95; Inv.# Supplier : Amazon. Com, Seattle, WA; Recd 13/08/98; Contents : Part 1. Physics and engineering; Part 2. Chemistry; Part 3. Mathematics; Part 4. Computer science; Part 5. Environmental science and geosciences;.}, abstract = {The physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering persists as the professional areas where women have not yet broken the gender barrier. Mainstream scientists are realizing that they must rethink the way science is taught if they are to attract more peopele, particularly more women, to the sciences. The interest in and demand for this information will make this book indispensable.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/22292}, }