      recid = {22180},
      title = {WIPO international forum on the exercise and management of  copyright and neighboring rights in the face of the  challenges of digital technology = Forum international de  l'OMPI sur l'exercice et la gestion du droit d'auteur et  des droits voisins face aux defis de la technique numerique  = Forum internacional de la OMPI sobre el ejercicio y la  administracion del derecho de autor y los derechos conexos  ante los desafios de la tecnologia digital : Sevilla,  Spain, May 14 to 16,  1997.},
      pages = {289 pages ;},
      abstract = {The  exclusive  right  of  the  author  to  exploit  his   VvCrk  or  authorize  others  to  do  so  is  the  basic   element  of  copyright,  and  such  a  right,  'lvilere   recognized,  is  also  important  for  the  beneficiaries   of  the  so-called  neighboring  (or  related)  rights.  An   exclusive  right  can  be  enjoyed  to  the  fullest   extent  if  it  may  be  exercised  individually  by  the   o'Mler  of  the  right  himself.  In  such  a  case,  the   O'Mler  maintains  his  control  over  the  dissemination   of  his  IM)rk,  can  personally  take  decisions  on  the   economic  conditions  of its  exploitation  and  can  also   closely  monitor 'lvilether  his  rights  are  duly   respected.},
      url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/22180},