@article{21948, note = {Price : CHF 47.00; Supplier : Freihofer AG, Zurich; Recd 2/3/98; Table of Contents : Day 1. Introducing the world wide web, hypertext, and Netscape; Day 2. Creating simple web documents; Day 3. Building on the basics; Day 4. Enhancing your web page's visual appearance; Day 5. Going online; Day 6. Developing interactive web pages; Day 7. Programming with Java and Javascript;.}, author = {Tatters, Wes, and Tatters, Wes. and Colburn, Rafe,}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/21948}, title = {Teach yourself Netscape 4 Web publishing in a week /}, recid = {21948}, pages = {xxviii, 583 pages :}, }