@article{21718, recid = {21718}, author = {Auckland, Mary, and Auckland, Mary,}, title = {Computers in Libraries International 93 : Proceedings of the seventh annual Conference on Computers in Libraries held in London in February 1993 /}, pages = {159 pages :}, note = {Gift; Recd 30/09/97; Contents : Part 1. Health and medical libraries : 1. DORAN, Beatrice. The use of IT in the Mercer Library, Royal College of surgeons in Ireland; 2. SHEEHY, Brendan M. Automation initiatives at the King's fund Centre for health services development; 3. SAWERS, Caroline. Enhancing access to data in South West Thames Health Region; Part 2. Industrial and commercial libraries : 1. EMMERSON, Peter. Developing a records management policy and programming in an electronic environment; 2. SWAIN, Steve. Networked information services in support of pharmaceutical research; Part 3. Document image processing : 1. HEAP, Christine, BOOTH, Ben. Image storage at the National Railway Museum, York; 2. MERULLO, Charles. The use of digital imaging technology at Hulton Deutsch; Part 4. Law libraries : 1. DAVIES, Alun. IT in support of the provision of legal information; 2. WILSON, Eve. The implications of hypertext for law libraries; 3. RAPER, Diane. Using IT to get value from available resources; Part 5. Academic libraries : 1. BREAKS, Michael. Super JANET : library and information services over a gigabit network; 2. ADAMS, Roy J. Decision support systems as an aid to decision- making in libraries; 3. JONE, HWFA. Developing and financing networked learning resources; Part 6. Software developments : 1. LATHAM, Stephen J. Open systems and libraries : an overview; 2. McLOUGHLIN, Lee. Software archives; 3. GAMMACK, John. Open systems and human-centred interfaces; Part 7. School libraries : 1. MABEY, Mary. The electronic school library; 2. DYER, Sue. The dark side of the moon : introducing IT to the school library; Part 8. Networks : 1. ZEDLEWSKI, Edward J. An overview of network informatic discovery and retrieval tools; 2. CREBER, John. Only connect : Norfolk Library and Information Service's Anglia Connect and Euroconnect Services; Part 9. Managing IT in libraries : 1. NAYLOR, Bernard. The information crucible : academe in flux; 2. HYDE, Ray. The local government context : securing commitment and resources in the political arena; 3. SAUNDERS, Margaret. How not to make a drama out of a crisis if your library is blown up; Part 10. Future trends in IT in libraries : 1. HESELTINE, Richard G. New directions in the library automation industry : the prospects for structural change; 2. DUDLEY, Martin P. Strategies and libraries : the business case for change? Part 11. CD-ROM and Multimedia : 1. ADDYMAN, A M. Accessing CD-ROMs - beyond the LAN; 2. COUTTS, Margaret M. Advances and adventures for the CD-ROM user; 3. STONIER, Peter. Multi-access through Multimedia; Part 12. Electronic document delivery : 1. ECKER, Reinhard. Beilstein electronic document delivery project; 2. BRAID, James Andrew. Electronic document delivery : the dawn of a new age;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/21718}, }