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Towards a legal framework for a diffusion policy for data held by the public sector / Cécile de Terwangne, Herbert Burkert, and Yves Poullet (eds.) ; [contributors] Florence Berrisch, J. Michael.
Available at WIPO Library
Towards a legal framework for a diffusion policy for data held by the public sector / Cécile de Terwangne, Herbert Burkert, and Yves Poullet (eds.) ; [contributors] Florence Berrisch, J. Michael.
xi, 127 pages ; 25 cm.
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Price : NLG 95.00; Invoice No 151069 Date 17/07/97 Supplier : Nedbook International, Amsterdam; Recd 22/07/97 Table of Contents : A study of comparative law and European law : 1. From information gathered by the public sector to its commercialization : the Community guidelines and the PUBLAW research; 2. The PUBLAW research : five themes : A. Persuasive factors : laws of access to government records; B. Dissuasive factors : the official secrets act : the data protection legislation; C. Factors which give structure to the diffusion of public sector information : a public authority's copyright and the rules of fair trade; 3. The PUBLAW research : five areas : A. Statistical information; B. Car registers; C. Company registers; D. Credit risks information; E. Population registers; Access to information and data protection considerations : 1. Definitions : A. Access to information; B. Data protection; 2. Relevance : A. Relevance of access; B. Relevance of data protection; C. Relevance of special sector legislation; 3. The issues and the situation in the EC : A. Access; B. Data protection; C. Relationship between access and data protection and the impact on commercialization; 4. Proposals : A. Reasoning; B. Follow-up activities; C. Intermediate measures; Commercial secrecy : 1. Presentation : A. Definition; B. Relevance; C. Issues; D. Situation in the EC; E. Information market perspectives; F. Proposals; 2. Analysis : A. Public sector information law; B. Private sector secrecy law; Effect of fair trading laws on the commercialization of data held by the public sector : 1. To what degree may the public sector intervene on the open market as a commercial operator? 2. Public information services : A. Definition and organization of public information services; B. A narrow determination of markets; C. Conditions of offer in public information services; D. Tendering of a public information service by a third party; 3. Supplementary information services : A. The position of the public sector on the supplementary service market; B. Tendering conditions for supplementary information services; Effect of copyright on commercialization : 1. General considerations on information or works covered by copyright : A. General principles of copyright; B. Application to data bases; 2. Application to information held by the public sector : A. Field of application of the state's copyright; B. Consequences for commercial exploitation of data; 3. Synthesis; The legitimacy of commercialization of public sector information as a research topic : 1. Looking back : A. Changes in economic philosophy; B. Changes in administrative perspectives; C. Consequences; D. Attractiveness of the approach; 2. The legitimacy of commercialization of public sector information : Double taxation; Slippery slope; Democratic control; Independent "information policies" of the legislature; Increasing regulatory density; Re-mapping the landscape; 3. Looking ahead : Example : Quebec; 4. Final remark;.
Computer/Law series ; 14.
Deventer, the Netherlands : Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1995.
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