@article{21609, note = {Contents : Part 1. General and institutional provisions : 1. General provisions; 2. The European Patent Organisation; 3. The European Patent Office; 4. The administrative Council; 5. Financial provisions; Part 2. Substantive patent law : 1. Patentability; 2. Persons entitled to apply for and obtain European patents : mention of the inventor; 3. Effects of the European patent and the European patent application; 4. The European patent application as an object of property; Part 3. Application for European patents : 1. Filing and requirements of the European patent application; 2. Priority; Part 4. Procedure up to grant; Part 5. Opposition procedure; Part 6. Appeals procedure; Part 7. Common provisions : 1. Common provisions governing procedure; 2. Information to the public or official authorities; 3. Representation; Part 8. Impact on national law : 1. Conversion into a national patent application; 2. Revocation and prior rights; 3. Miscellaneous effects; Part 9. Special agreements; Part 10. International application pursuant to the Patent Co-operation Treaty; Part 11. Transitional provisions; Part 12. Final provisions;.}, author = {Vossius, Volker,}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/21609}, title = {European patent materials and index /}, recid = {21609}, pages = {viii, 265 pages ;}, }