@article{21506, note = {Contents : Part 1. General : Introduction : 1. International and national legal developments : 1. The background; 2. International developments; 3. Reforms of national laws; 4. The UK; 5. The future for Africa; 2. Arbitral institutions, etc.; 1. Locations; 2. Institutions; 3. ADR; 4. Other activities; 3. The proper conduct of modern international arbitrations and the LCIA rules : 1. Comparisons with litigation; 2. The procedural jurisprudence of arbitrations; 3. The LCIA rules and practices; 4. PAULSSON, Jan. Accepting international arbitration in fact and not only in words : 1. Introduction : Six essential theoretical achievements : 1. The validity of pre-dispute agreements to arbitrate; 2. The validity of future designations of arbitrators; 3. Arbitrator's rights to rule on jurisdictional challenges; 4. The severability of arbitration clauses; 5. No appeal against the merits of the arbitrational award; 6. Upholding the validity of arbitrations conducted abroad; 2. Advances in practice : 1. Good-faith application of the New York Convention; 2. Acceptance of foreign arbitrators; 3. Cost of court cases related to arbitration; Part 2. Commonwealth African countries : A. East Africa : 5. Kenya; 6. Uganda; 7. Tanzania; B. West Africa : 8. Nigeria; 9. Ghana; 10. The Gambia; 11. Sierre Leone; C. Central Africa : 12. Zimbabwe; 13. Malawi; 14. Zambia; D. Southern Africa : 15. Southern Africa (including South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Namibia); Part 3. Arab North Africa : 16. Arab North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia) : Part 4. Francophone Africa : 17. Former French territories (Benin, Borkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Djibouti, Gabon, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Togo) : Introduction : 1. The background of African legal systems in the colonial period; 2. The current situation of arbitration legislation in Francophone Africa; 18. Former Belgian territories (Burundi, Rwanda, Zai?re) : Introduction : 1. General remarks; 2. The arbitration agreement; 3. Arbitration institutions and procedure; 4. The arbitral award; Appendix 1. Laws of African countries which have adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law : Nigeria; Tunisia; Egypt; Kenya; Zimbabwe; Appendix 2. List of African countries which have signed or ratified the New York Convention of 1958 (NY), the Convention on the settlement of investments disputes of 1965 (ICSID) and the Convention establishing the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency of 1985 (MIGA);.}, author = {Cotran, Eugene, and Amissah, Austin,}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/21506}, title = {Arbitration in Africa /}, recid = {21506}, pages = {xxiv, 467 pages ;}, }