@article{21299, note = {Price : CHF 54.50; Supplier : Ellipse, Geneva; Recd 10/03/97; Contents : About this book; Getting ready; New features in Microsoft Excel 5; Part 1. Getting started with Microsoft Excel : Entering data; Writing formulas; Formatting your data; Part 2. Charting and printing your data : Charting your data; Modifying your charts; Printing worksheets and charts; Part 3. Managing your data : Organizing your workbooks; Sorting and managing lists; Creating reports; Creating customized reports with pivot tables; Part 4. Analyzing and sharing your data : Comparing alternatives; Linking your data; Sharing your data with other applications; Part 5. Customizing and automating Microsoft Excel : Customizing your workspace; Automating repetitive tasks;.}, author = {Catapult, Inc.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/21299}, title = {Microsoft Excel 5 for Windows step by step /}, recid = {21299}, pages = {xxxii, 330 pages :}, }