@article{21280, note = {Price : CHF 117.65; Supplier : Literart, Geneva; Recd 05/03/97; with annotations on the U.S. case law by Leslie A. McDonell and James F. Haley, Jr.; Table of Contents : 1. Patentable subject matter (Art. 52(1) and (4) and Art. 53 EPC); 2. The person skilled in the art; 3. Corrections and amendments (including corrections of sequence data) (Art. 123 and Rule 88 EPC); 4. Clarity of claims (Art. 84 EPC); 5. Enabling disclosure (Art. 83 EPC); 6. Deposit (Art. 83 EPC and Rule 28 of the implementing regulations); 7. Priority (Arts. 87 to 89 EPC); 8. Novelty (Art. 54 EPC); 9. Inventive step (Art. 56 EPC); 10. Unity (Art. 82 EPC); 11. Decisions dealing with procedural issues; 12. Examples of claims; 13. How to draft the description of a European Patent Application; 14. Further reading; List of evaluted decisions and statutes referred to;.}, author = {Jaenichen, Hans-rainer, and McDonell, Leslie A. and Haley, James F.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/21280}, title = {The European Patent Office's case law on the patentability of biotechnology inventions : 2. Auflage /}, recid = {21280}, pages = {xix, 379 pages ;}, }