@article{21174, recid = {21174}, author = {Coussirat-coustère, Vincent, and Coussirat-Coustère, Vincent, and Eisemann, Pierre Michel, and Bastid, Suzanne, and Coussirat-Coustere, Vincent. and Eiseman, Pierre Michel.}, title = {Répertoire de la jurisprudence arbitrale internationale = Repertory of international arbitral jurisprudence /}, pages = {<volumes 1, 3, parts 1-2; in 3> ;}, note = {Price : NLG 458.00; Supplier : Nedbook International, Amsterdam; Recd 24/01/97; Table des Matie?res : 1. Le cadre normatif international; 2. L'e?tat; 3. Les autres sujets du droit international; 4. Les personnes prive?es; 5. Les espaces; 6. Les rapports internationaux; 7. Le recours a? la coercition; 8. La responsabilite? internationale; 9. Le re?glement pacifique des diffe?rends; Table of Contents : 1. International normative framework; 2. State; 3. Other subjects of international law; 4. Private persons; 5. Areas; 6. International intercourse; 7. Resort to coercion; 8. State responsability; 9. Peaceful settlement of disputes;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/21174}, }