\def\WIPO{World Intellectual Property Organisation}
The Future of Copyright in a Digital Environment : Proceedings of the Royal Academy Colloquium Organized by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW) and the Institute for Information Law, (Amsterdam, 6-7 July 1995)
N 631 HUG.F
Available at WIPO Library
The Future of Copyright in a Digital Environment : Proceedings of the Royal Academy Colloquium Organized by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW) and the Institute for Information Law, (Amsterdam, 6-7 July 1995)
viii, 248 pages ; 25 cm.
9789041102676 Print
9789041176479 eBook
9789041176479 eBook
Alternate Call Number
N 631 HUG.F
This book contains a unique collection of papers, written by the world's foremost copyright scholars and practitioners, presented at the colloquium on The Future of Copyright in a Digital Environment in Amsterdam on July, 1995. This colloquium was organized by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW) and the Institute for Information Law at the University of Amsterdam. This collection of papers is the first to cover the complete range of problems involved, including the scope of protected rights on the information superhighway, the application of exemptions and limitations, the collective administration of rights, resolving conflicts of law in an environment where territoriality is obsolete, alternatives to copyright protection and designing copyright for the future. This book will prove a useful source of information for all those investigating the profound impact of the emerging digital environment on copyright law.
Formatted Contents Note
DOMMERING, Egbert, J. Copyright being washed away through the electronic sieve : some thoughts on the impending copyright crisis; MACKAAY, Ejan. The economics of emergent property rights on the Internet; GELLER, Paul Edward. Conflicts of law in Cyberspace : international copyright in a digitally networked world; VISSER, Dirk J.G. Copyright exemptions old and new : learning from old media experiences; DREIER, Thomas. The cable and satellite analogy; SPOOR, Jaap H. The copyright approach to copying on the Internet : (over) stretching the reproduction right? HUGENHOLTZ, Bernt P. Adapting copyright to the information superhighway; LEHMAN, Bruce. Intellectual property and the national and global information infrastructures; FICSOR, Miha?ly. Towards a global solution : the digital agenda of the Berne Protocol and the new instrument. The Rorschach test of digital transmissions; CLARK, Charles. The answer to the machine is in the machine; MELICHAR, Ferdinand. Collective administration of electronic rights : a realistic option? VANDOREN, Paul. Copyright and related rights in the information society; BARLOW, John Perry. Selling wine without bottles. The economy of mind on the global net; GINSBURG, Jane C. Putting cars on the INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY : authors, exploiters and copyright in Cyberspace; COCK BUNING, Madeleine de, HAECK, Jaap. Colloquium discussions; GOLDSTEIN, Paul. The future of copyright in a digital environment : summary of discussion;.
The Hague : Kluwer Law International, 1996.
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