@article{21095, note = {Price : NLG; Supplier : Nedbook, Amsterdam; Recd 16/10/96; Contents : 1. WHEALE, P.R. Introduction : the social management of biotechnology; Part 1. The moral discourse : 2. ZWART, H. The moral value of animals : the philosophical considerations regarding ethical issues in biotechnology; 3. JOCHEMSEN, H. Genes and identity : a study of their relation in the context of transgenic husbandry animals; 4. HILHORST, M. Will the xenografting imperative become an issue in public debate; 5. WHEALE, P.R. Ethical implications of xenografting; Part 2. Policy, regulation and control : 6. COCK-BUNING, T. de. Limitations of the contribution of ethics committees to public dabate; 7. BROM, F., VORSTENBOSCH, J.M.G., SCHROTEN, E. Public policy and transgenic animals : case-by-case assessment as a moral learning process; 8. LINSKENS, M. The DSPA : Strength as a strategy for effective opposition; 9. THEUNE, E.P., KORTHALS, M. From animal welfare to intrinsic value : reconstructing public debates on animal biotechnology; 10. VISSER, M.B.H. Risk assessment and risk perception : the P3 Laboratory as a case in point; 11. SCHOMBERG, R. von. Democratising the policy process on the environmental release of genetically modified organisms; 12. MAYER, I., GEURTS, J.L. Participatory policy analysis : a methodological contribution to the social management of biotechnology;.}, author = {Wheale, Peter, and Wheale, Peter. and Schomberg, René von.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/21095}, title = {The social management of biotechnology : workshop proceedings /}, recid = {21095}, pages = {166 pages ;}, }