@article{21070, note = {Price : CHF; Supplier : Literart, Geneva; Recd 03/09/96; Content : A. The Community trade mark system : Registration Procedure : B. Applications; C. Search; D. Examination; E. Acceptance or refusal, publication; F. Opposition/Observations; G. Registration; Owning a CTM : H. Duration; I. The CTM as an object of property; J. Transfer; K. Licence; L. Requirements of use; M. Seniority; N. Conversion; Appeals and general rules of procedure : O. Structure of the office; P. Appeals; Q. Procedural rules; R. Award of costs; S. Languages; T. Fees; Proceedings for revocation or invalidity : U. Revocation; V. Declaration of invalidity; Rights conferred, infringement and concept of confusion : W. Rights conferred by the CTM; X. Infringement; Y. Confusion; Z. Collective CTMs;.}, author = {Pagenberg, Jochen, and Munzinger, Peter J. A.,}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/21070}, title = {Manual on the European Community Trade Mark /}, recid = {21070}, pages = {ix, 64 pages ;}, }