@article{20994, recid = {20994}, author = {Smith, Graham J. H., and Smith, Graham J. H. and Chalton, Simon N. L.}, title = {Internet law and regulation : a specially commissioned report /}, pages = {xiv, 156 pages :}, note = {Price : ; Supplier : Dawson UK; Recd 05/06/96; Contents : 1. Overview of the Internet : 1.1 The Internet : what is it? 1.2 The Internet : Who's who and what do they do? 1.3 The information superhighway; 2. Intellectual property : 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Copyright; 2.3 Confidential information; 2.4 Patents and trade marks; 2.5 Enforcement; 3. Defamation : 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Existing law; 3.3 The defamation bill; 4. Content liability and protection : 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Negligence; 4.3 Strict liability; 4.4 Restricting liability; 4.5 Protecting content; 4.6 E-mail and Internet access policies; 5. Data Protection : 5.1 Why data protection is relevant; 5.2 Application of the data protection Act's definitions to the Internet; 5.3 Application of the data protection principles; 5.4 Application of the Act's exemption; 5.5 Offences under the data protection Act in relation to the provision of personal data over the Internet; 5.6 Registrar's jurisdiction and powers of enforcement; 5.7 EU Directive on data protection; 6. Telecommunications and broadcast regulation : 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Telecommunications licensing; 6.3 Broadcasting licensing; 6.4 Future regulation; 6.5 Conclusion; 7. Contracts between hosts, content providers and others : 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Contracts for the provision of a Web site; 7.3 Sponsorship and advertising agreements; 7.4 Other agreements; 8. Making contracts over the Internet : 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Contract principles; 8.3 Formalities of contracting; 8.4 Content of contracts; 8.5 Exclusions, limitations and consumer protection; 8.6 International contracts; 8.7 Evidential matters; 8.8 Distance selling; 8.9 Employees and agency; 9. Payment mechanisms for Internet commerce : 9.1 The ideal Internet payment mechanism; 9.2 The reward for successful mechanisms; 9.3 Adaptation of conventional payment mechanisms for Internet commerce; 9.4 The present reality; 9.5 Weakness in current card payment mechanism; 9.6 Conclusion on present reality; 9.8 Acceptance of true electronic cash systems; 9.9 Fraud involving abuse of credit/charge/debit cards and analogous systems; 9.10 Fraud involving true electronic cash; 9.11 Is the issue of electronic cash regulated by the Banking Act 1987? 9.12 The audit trail issue and true electronic money; 9.13 Conclusion; 10. Prohibited and regulated activities : 10.1 Gambling; 10.2 Pornography; 10.3 Financial services; 10.4 Advertising on the Internet; 10.5 Contempt of court; 11. Tax : 11.1 Introduction; 11.2 Indirect taxes - value added tax (VAT); 11.3 VAT implications for the Internet; 11.4 Direct taxes; 11.5 Withholding taxes; 11.6 Other points;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/20994}, }