@article{20953, note = {List of contents : 1. Trademarks and other signs : a general survey; 2. What constitutes a registrable trademark? 3. Unregistrable signs (exclusion from registration); 4. Trademark registration; 5. Use of the mark; 6. Rights arising from trademark registration; 7. Removal of the trademark from the register; 8. Change of ownership; 9. Trademark licensing; 10. Service marks; 11. Collective (certification) marks and appellations of origin; 12. Trade names; 13. Unfair competition; 14. Obtaining protection for marks in several countries : the Madrid system; Appendix 1. Answers to questions posed in the text, with commentary; Appendix 2. The international classification of goods and services for the purposes of the registration of marks; Appendix 3. List of Member States party to the Madrid Agreement concerning the International Regisgtration of Marks on January 1, 1993;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/20953}, title = {Introduction to Trademark Law and Practice : The basic concepts : A WIPO Training Manual.}, recid = {20953}, pages = {1 volume (various paging) ;}, }