@article{20883, note = {Recd 26/02/96; Contents : 1. Introduction : WIPO Arbitration Center; UNCITRAL arbitration rules; 2. WIPO services under the UNCITRAL arbitration rules : Appointing authority; Administrative services; 3. Fees for WIPO services under the UNCITRAL arbitration rules : Appointing authority; Appointing authority and administrator; 4. WIPO schedule of arbitrators' fees : Explanatory notes; Schedule of arbitrators' fees; 5. Model contract clauses for WIPO services under the UNCITRAL arbitration rules : WIPO Arbitration Center as appointing authority; WIPO Arbitration Center as appointing authority and administrator; 6. UNCITRAL arbitration rules : Contents; Resolution 31/98 adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations; UNCITRAL arbitration rules;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/20883}, title = {WIPO services under the UNCITRAL arbitration rules.}, recid = {20883}, pages = {50 pages ;}, }