@article{20804, note = {Translation of two articles : GYERTYANFY, Peter. The law applicable to the assignability of the copyright and the licence contracts = A Szerzoi jog a?truha?zhato?sa?ga?ra e?s a felhaszna?la?si szerzode?sekre ira?nyado? jog; LONTAI, Endre. Universality and regionality in the field of intellectual property = Univerzalita?s e?s regionalita?s a szellemi tulajdon tere?n;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/20804}, title = {Memorial book to the Centenary from the birth of ENDRE NIZSALOVSZKY = Nizsalovszky endre születésének 100. évfordulójr̀a.}, recid = {20804}, pages = {307 pages ;}, }