\def\WIPO{World Intellectual Property Organisation}
Draft Programme and Budget for 1996-1997 : General Conference Twenty-eighth session, Paris 1995.
C 335 UNESCO.D 1996-1997
Available at WIPO Library
Draft Programme and Budget for 1996-1997 : General Conference Twenty-eighth session, Paris 1995.
xxvii, 273 pages ; [28] cm
Alternate Call Number
C 335 UNESCO.D 1996-1997
See French version in PROJET DE PROGRAMME ET DE BUDGET POUR 1996-1997; UNESCO : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization;.
Formatted Contents Note
Part 1. General policy and direction : 1A. Governing bodies; 1B. Direction; 1C. Participation in the joint machinery of the United Nations system; Part 2. Programme excecution and services : 2A. Major programmes and transdisciplinary projects; 1. Towards lifelong education for all; 2. The sciences in the service of development; 3. Cultural development : the heritage and creativity; 4. Communication and information; 2B. Information and dissemination services; 2C. Participation programme; Part 3. Support for programme execution; Part 4. Management and administrative services; Part 5. Maintenance and security; Part 6. Capital expenditure; Part 7. Anticipated cost increases; Information note concerning the possible impact of currency fluctuations in 1996-1997; Alphabetical list of abbreviations of the organizational units responsible for executing the programme and budget for 1996-1997; Appendix I. Budget summary by appropriation line for Parts I to VII of the budget for 1996-1997; Draft Organizational Chart of the Secretariat of UNESCO, 1996-1997;.
Paris, France : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1995.
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