\def\WIPO{World Intellectual Property Organisation}
The modern law of copyright and designs. Vol. 2 / Hugh Laddie, Peter Prescott, Mary Vitoria.
N 40 LAD.M
Available at WIPO Library
The modern law of copyright and designs. Vol. 2 / Hugh Laddie, Peter Prescott, Mary Vitoria.
ix, 961 pages ; 26 cm
9780406616975 set
0406049750 v. 1
9780406049759 v. 1
0406049769 v. 2
9780406049766 v. 2
9780406616975 set
0406049750 v. 1
9780406049759 v. 1
0406049769 v. 2
9780406049766 v. 2
Alternate Call Number
N 40 LAD.M
Contents : Volume 1. 1. Bird's eye view; 2. Literary, dramatic and musical works; 3. Artistic works; 4. Subsistence of copyright in original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works; 5. Films; 6. Sound recordings; 7. Broadcasting, cable programmes and related rights; 8. Typographical arrangements; 9. Term of copyright; 10. Secondary infringements; 11. First ownership of copyright; 12. Transmission of title (i) death, bankruptcy and winding up; 13. Transmission of title (ii) assignments and mortgages; 14. Voluntary licences-architects' agreements-publishing agreements-compulsory licences; 15. Collective licensing and collecting societies; 16. The copyright tribunal; 17. Anti-competitive practices, EC law and free movement of goods; 18. Parallel imports; 19. Special provisions as to libraries and archives; 20. Computers and copyright; encryption and other copy-protection; 21. DNA and protein sequences; 22. Crown and parliamentary copyright; 23. Characters; 24. Civil proceedings; 25. Criminal proceedings and customs seizure; 26. Rights in performances; 27. Moral rights; 28. Public lending right; 29. Introduction to and history of registered design legislation; 30. Registrable designs; 31. Novelty; 32. Term and restoration; 33. Interests in registered designs; 34. Design registry procedure; 35. Infringement; 36. Relief for infringement; 37. Threats; 38. Civil court procedure; 39. Criminal offences; 40. Design right : what designs are protected? 41. Qualification for design right and term; 42. Interests in design right; 43. Infringement and other proceedings; 44. Proceedings before the comptroller; 45. Semi-conductor topographies; 46. Copyright and industrially applied designs; 47. European design proposals; 48. UK taxation; Volume 2. Appendices : Appendix 1. United Kingdom statutes : A. Copyright and rights in performances; B. Public lending right; C. Registered designs; D. Miscellaneous; Appendix 2. Secondary legislation : A. Copyright and rights in performances; B. Public lending right; C. Registered designs; D. Unregistered designs/Semiconductor topographies; E. Miscellaneous; Appendix 3. Legislation relating to works made before 1 July 1912; Appendix 4. International Conventions; Appendix 5. EC Directives and Regulations;.
Includes tables of statutes, international conventions, statutory instruments, treaties and cases.
Includes tables of statutes, international conventions, statutory instruments, treaties and cases.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
London : Butterworths, 1998.
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