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Commentary on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration.
C 259 BRO.C
Available at WIPO Library
Commentary on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration.
x, 229 pages ; 25 cm
Alternate Call Number
C 259 BRO.C
Price : Nlg; Supplier : Nedbook International, Amsterdam; Recd 14/10/94; Table of Contents : 1. Scope of application; 2. Definitions and rules of interpretation; 3. Receipt of written communications; 4. Waiver of right to object; 5. Scope of court intervention; 6. Court or other authority for certain functions of arbitration assistance and supervision; 7. Definition and form of arbitration agreement; 8. Arbitration agreement and substantive claim before court; 9. Arbitration agreement and interim measures by court; 10. Number of arbitrators; 11. Appointment of arbitrators; 12. Grounds for challenge; 13. Challenge procedure; 14. Failure or impossibility to act; 15. Appointment of substitute arbitrator; 16. Competence of arbitral tribunal to rule on its jurisdiction; 17. Power of arbitral tribunal to order interim measures; 18. Equal treatment of parties; 19. Determination of rules of procedure; 20. Place of arbitration; 21. Commencement of arbitral proceedings; 22. Language; 23. Statements of claim and defence; 24. Hearings and written proceedings; 25. Default of a party; 26. Expert appointed by arbitral tribunal; 27. Court assistance in taking evidence; 28. Rules applicable to substance of dispute; 29. Decision-making by panel of arbitrators; 30. Settlement; 31. Form and contents of award; 32. Termination of proceedings; 33. Correction and interpretation of the award; additional award; Introduction to Articles 34, 35 and 36 - Recourse against award; Recognition and enforcement of award; 34. Application for setting aside as exclusive recourse against arbitral award; 35. Recognition and enforcement; 36. Grounds for refusing recognition or enforcement; Appendix A. Text of the UNCITRAL Model Law; Appendix B. Concordance of references to documents;.
Spine title: Commentary on the UNCITRAL Model Law.
GiĆ pubbl. in: International handbook on commercial arbitration.
Originally published as a monograph in the International handbook on commercial arbitration, edited by Albert Jan van den Berg, Kluwer, Deventer.
Spine title: Commentary on the UNCITRAL Model Law.
GiĆ pubbl. in: International handbook on commercial arbitration.
Originally published as a monograph in the International handbook on commercial arbitration, edited by Albert Jan van den Berg, Kluwer, Deventer.
Deventer, Netherlands. : Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1990.
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