TY - GEN ID - 20483 KW - Intellectual property KW - WIPO DOCUMENTS : LISBON UNION : APPELLATIONS OF ORIGIN KW - WIPO DOCUMENTS : APPELLATIONS OF ORIGIN : DEVELOPING COUNTRIES KW - PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL : OMPI : PRINCIPALES TRATADOS KW - PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL : CONVENIO DE PARIS : PROTECCION DE DERECHOS DE PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL LA - eng N1 - *provenance = Ley-tipo para los paises en desarrollo sobre la proteccio?n de las denominaciones de origen y las indicaciones de procedencia* Contents : History of the model law; Text and commentary of the model law; 1. General provisions; 2. Appellations of origin : 1. Requirements for protection; 2. Registration procedure; 3. Cancellation and rectification of registration; 4. Right to use registered appellation of origin : sanction against unlawful use; 3. Indications of source; 4. Competence of courts : rules; 5. Final and transitional provisions; Annex : Protection of appellations of origin under system of special orders;. T1 - Model law for developing countries on appellations of origin on appellations of origin and indications of source = Loi type pour les pays en voie de développement concernant les appellations d'origine et les indications. TI - Model law for developing countries on appellations of origin on appellations of origin and indications of source = Loi type pour les pays en voie de développement concernant les appellations d'origine et les indications. ER -