@article{20462, note = {Groupe de travail d'organisations non gouvernementales sur l'arbitrage et d'autres me?canismes extrajudiciaires de solution des litiges de proprie?te? intellectuelle entre personnes prive?e, Gene?ve, 25-27 mai 1992* Contents : ARB/WG/I. Observations on the possible establishment of extra-judicial dispute-resolution services within the framework of WIPO; ARB/WG/II. An outline of possible services that could be provided by WIPO. ARB/WG/III. Services proposed to be offered by WIPO; Draft WIPO mediation rules; Draft WIPO arbitration rules; Draft model contract clauses and submission agreements;.}, url = {http://tind.wipo.int/record/20462}, title = {Working group of non-governmental organizations on arbitration and other extra-judicial mechanisms for the resolution of intellectual property disputes between private parties : Genève, 25 - 27 mai 1992.}, recid = {20462}, pages = {1 volume (various paging) ;}, }