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Seminar on the Nature of and Rationale for the Protection of Plant Varieties under the UPOV Convention : organized by the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, in cooperation with the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Argentina, and with the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain.
E 241S21 UPOV.SE
Available at WIPO Library
Seminar on the Nature of and Rationale for the Protection of Plant Varieties under the UPOV Convention : organized by the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, in cooperation with the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Argentina, and with the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain.
187 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm.
Alternate Call Number
E 241S21 UPOV.SE
organized by the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) in cooperation with the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Argentina and with the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain; Table of Contents : Opening address by Mr. Marcelo Regu?naga, Secretary of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries of Argentina; Address to the inaugural session by Mr. Ricardo Lo?pez de Haro y Wood, President of the UPOV Council and Technical Director of Seed Certification and the Register of Varieties, National Institute of Seeds and Nursery Plants, Spain; 1st session : HEITZ, Andre?. The history of the UPOV Convention and the rationale for plant breeders' rights; GREENGRASS, Barry. The UPOV Convention : the scope of protection and its general provisions; ROSSELLO, Jose? Mari?a Elena. The UPOV Convention : the concept of variety and the technical criteria of distinctness, uniformity and stability; HARO, Lo?pez de. The UPOV approach to the examination of applications for protection : past, present and future; 2nd session : GREENGRASS, Barry. The interface between plant breeders' rights and other forms of intellectual property protection and the future; WHITMORE, Frank W. The experience of a Member State of UPOV; 3rd session : HEIZ, Andre?. Plant genetic resources and plant breeders' rights; ORDONEZ, He?ctor. The Argentine system of plant variety protection; LAURENCE, Hector. A plant breeder's view : the potential impact of plant breeders' rights upon the plant varieties and seeds industry; BLANCO DEMARCO, Gustavo. Plant breeders' rights : a view from a Latin-American country; 4th session : Panel discussion; Closing statements; List of participants;.
"Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 26 and 27, 1991.".
"Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 26 and 27, 1991.".
UPOV publication ; no. 727 (E)
Geneva, Switzerland : International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), 1994.
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